21 F , needs help with protein intake and workout

it's what most dietitians recommend these days

Were you personally told this by your Gynec or just heard it? I'd say Ask your doc for yourself. And research on whey isolate, if it's fine with PCOS.

. When it comes to cardio, I tire out fast, probably because I'm not very strong

It's because you don't have energy, as you skip breakfast and only take two meals.

Breakfast and lunch need to be heavy meals, as they'll supply you energy for the entire day.

Eating correct food and in the right quantity is better than eating less food or skipping meals.

I'm already in a calorie def (eating around less than 1300 calories a day)

Are you doing this, after calculating your maintenance calories right? 44kgs at 5'1 feels underweight to me already.

Just do a 200 calories deficit from your maintenance.
@lwr70 Yeah, my doctor recommended I cut back on dairy. Skipping breakfast really takes a toll on my energy levels, I've noticed. I'm not intentionally skipping meals, though. As I mentioned, I usually only eat twice a day, so I end up around 1300 calories. My TDEE is around 1400 calories since I hardly work out, so that definitely plays a role. You might think 44 kg sounds too light, but with a bit more fat, I don't look starved, actually look pretty fit and healthy.
@kafs Ohk in that case I'd say, after you start the gym maybe go for a clean bulk for a few months. Bulking and strength training will help you gain a few muscles and increase your strength.

Then after that, you can start cutting.

Since you are already low on energy and lethargic, going caloric deficit would just exacerbate things.

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