Resources for learning muscle anatomy for bodybuilding? - “this muscle needs to be hit from X and Y angle”

@cybernetic Just look up in what direction muscle fibers run for each muscle you want to target, focus on slow eccentrics and a brief pause in the stretched position
@cybernetic Once you can activate and feel that muscle your trying to hit, you have found what you’re looking for. Books and visual aids get you close but the rest is found in the gym through practice. Try as many variations as you can. Cables do wonders for me personally.
@cybernetic The "angles" meme is almost total horse shit btw

Beware fitness gurus

Although tbh most ppl just give advice telling you to "only" do certain things which work, but not any better or worse than the next best thing
@cybernetic My brother in law is an artist and studies the body muscles through drawing books. He works out too and knows how the body works like no one else. That might be a place to look! You won't learn directly what exercise to do, but will get a better understanding from such study.