225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)


New member
45 years old, 8 months lifting. This is my 3rd set, decided to go for 12 rather than 8. Highest working set was 285x3x8.

I had stopped stretching and my butt wink came back. I am stretching again working to kill the butt wink again.

Any feedback is welcome.

It's never too late to start. (Cross posted from /r/fitness, because, in reddit years, I'm an old far.)

@jontue Thank you.

Some of that is luck, most of it is videoing myself fairly regularly and watching the set on the rest.

And keeping up the stretching so I don't butt wink. :(
@teresapartridge Neither, actually.

Since I am stretching to increase range of motion and that fatigues muscles, connective tissue and the CNS, the stretching is not part of my gym time.

I lift first thing in the morning (usually done with squats by 6 AM) and stretch before bed.

For me I just sit on the floor, back braced against a wall and get my legs as straight as possible in front of me--eventually with getting the toes pointed straight up. (I am very tight.) That seems to be enough, at least for now.

Probably as I add weight, I will discover that I need more.
@stripe Thank you.

I do have a couple of advantages.

1) I danced for about 10 years in my youth. I feel I never lost that strength and nerve connection.

2) I am 255ish pounds, so that's a bit less than body weight. I suspect for you, your Wilks would be higher.

My 2 most common training partners are a 110 lb guy or a 135 lb woman.

Sure I move more gross tonnage than they do, but relatively speaking, they are stronger.
@songbird1028 It looks like your wrist is under the bar. Does it cause you pain in that area? If so you may want to google rips grip for squatting. Otherwise, everything looked great.