23.2A and B 90th percentile scores

@monicats It’s the latter, I’ve just been a general fitness enthusiast and used to compete at oly toward the end of high school…don’t get me wrong…If double unders show up in the open im toast lol
@monicats Where did he say that he hadn’t been doing other sports??? Not sure where the anger would come from. Maybe he was a college athlete that just started CrossFit 3 months ago.
@kyokosakura Purely anecdotal….
A few guys in my gym were hitting 225 last , they aren’t top ten percentile typically.

I’d absolutely assume more for top ten.

I did it yesterday as well and concurred with a lot of folks the thruster isn’t actually as bad as you think it’s going to be, no warm up set nerdy really. If you can easily hit 185 normally don’t bother.
@malgosia63 I'm struggling to comprehend the "warm up" talk

Warm up some lifts before the wod, to gauge an idea of what your potential is.

You'll be "warm" after the wod - just hit the first thruster at a semi-challenging weight you know you can do, then challenge it.

I don't know if it's just because we do a lot of these type of combos - 15ish minute work, then X time to find a lift, or that I'm used to it at comps where it's nearly always a shot sharp sprint then a XRM lift. Maybe others dont do heavy lifts while fatigued too often
However, I’m not raining on any parades.. just seems a bit out of the ordinary. Good luck dude and if you hit that.. post for all to see!