24.1 and ego


New member
hey so I have been doing CrossFit for 9 months now. I absoulty love it and full on. I signed up for the open and this is my first. I’m 42male 6’4 and 239lbs. I thought I should be able to do 24.1 scaled in under 15 mins.

I came out hot and when I got to the half way mark I felt like I got punched in the gut. I had maybe 4 no reps called and finished 172 with tie breaker at 12:45. I was 8 burpees short from finishing. this work out was no joke and more difficult than I expected.

instead of feeling really great about myself. I’m pretty down for not finishing the scaled version within the time cap.

Part of me wants to try it again. part of me wishes I didn’t sign up for the open and just did the work out like all the others. part of me is proud for showing up. very mixed feelings. i know there is some ego and some self pity involved not meeting my goal of finishing the scaled version in 15mins. only thing I could have done better is to pace myself at the start.

Maybe I’m venting but I do know it’s lit a fire under me to get better and to improve and I guess having the extra motivation is a big win in itself.
@mike24 A lot of workouts are about pacing, not about how fit you are. Once your heart rate gets jacked up like that, it’s really hard to keep going.

This is what makes the open fun, knowing when you’ve done your best and knowing when you’ve picked the wrong strategy and need to have another crack, differently

I think it’s worth a redo for your own sanity.

Literally step down and step up burpees, take your time
@elana Exactly this.

And another words for "pacing'" is "strategy" which is why there are so many "How to Ace the Open" videos out there with the wod "Strategy" in the title.

You'll know if you could drastically impove your time---the key to 24.1 for a lot of people seemed to be doing step-up burpees at a steady pace rather than trying to jump them, especially if the snatches were not an issue.

A few years back I had totally screwed up one of the Open workouts--too lazy to check the number, but it was the one with walking DB lunges, weighted box step ups and HSPUs.

I was trying to do giant steps on the lunges and gassed myself. Redid it and did the "wedding march" instead and wound up significantly improving my score and definitely felt better about redoing it-- was not as if I was going on to the next round, but knowing that I was capable to doing more.
@mike24 My dude, I saw a guy who is probably one of the fittest people in our box literally fall to his knees in this workout, legit. Another guy who is a coach finished it and then barfed.

Don't be discouraged. This activity is you against you. You got this.
@mike24 I think you need to reset your expectations a bit, open workouts are notorious for not being easy to finish, in fact many people don’t.

You’re only 9 months in which is still ridiculously new, the fact that you signed up at all is already a huge step forward and I’m not saying this to cheer you up, I’m stating facts because you just committed to having a yearly barometer of where your skills are at. That’s really the main purpose of the open to us normal people who have careers and aren’t full-time CrossFit athletes.

Just prepare for 24.2 and don’t get in your head about it, learn where your weaknesses are and make improving them your goal for the year.
@mike24 At 6’4”, you’re a pretty big dude. This workout favors shorter people who have a shorter distance to travel for the burpees and the snatches. If the next wod has box jumps, rowing, or biking, you’ll have the advantage.
@armygabe Came here to say this! 6' 5" and 250lbs, this workout did not favour the tall! I also wouldn't worry about the scaled option, I felt the Burpees took more time and effort (obviously that may differ by person) and these were the same for scaled and RX.
@mike24 I'm 46! 5'6" male went all 15 mins. RX.my score was also 172 ego had nothing to do with it. Consider that I at 150lbs did my best and gave my all, is an accomplishment! I already know I am not going to the games and if I thought I'd had a chance I would have given CrossFit my money. I scale a lot of stuff especially at 5 am. Your good and be proud. This workout will come up again somewhere. And we will all more than likely do better at a second attempt. For me it was community and the experience.
@mike24 Just wait until the next workout. It might go a different way. This was more of an endurance test that might favor us short guys.
@mike24 Consider this: you did 172 more reps than all the people that did not get off their couch to challenge themselves. And for that you deserve respect.

Plus: I would bet, that 9 months ago you would have gotten a lot less. Compare yourself to your past self and nobody else and you will constantly amaze yourself and find reasons to be proud of yourself.

Keep up the good work 👍💪
@otfl4jah 99% agree. Just feel like this workout wasn’t actually that taxing compared to what I’d do on a regular Monday so I might redo. But almost any other workout I’d say yeah just do your best