24.1 and ego

@mike24 Although I'm a little shorter, we match up closely - 6'0", 240lb, 45M. I did 24.1 Rx and got to 172 reps. The burpees killed me, I was so mad I missed completing it by a lousy half rep per minute, I wanted to finish under 15.

I went back today and did it again, this time stepping up burpees and thinking "even doing a burpee at 50% speed is better than sucking air and doing 0% speed". I finished all 180 in 14.5 min.

If you go again, I bet you can do it in under 15! Believe in yourself, step up burpees, and keep moving even at a slow pace.
@mike24 At 42 years old and just starting out, it’s unlikely you’re going to the games.

I’m in a similar situation where I started CrossFit later in life and I’m just there for a good workout where I push myself to my limits so I can stay healthy and mobile while I get older. As somebody who isn’t competitive, I look at the open as a chance to do my best and see if I can improve upon my ranking from the previous year. Compete against yourself and the people who are at a similar fitness level as you at your gym rather than the superstars and you’ll enjoy it much more.
@mike24 I started crossfit for the first time 3 weeks ago, haven't worked out in years before this, am in my 40s as well, have lost 20lbs recently and still have another 20-30 lbs to go. Until today I'd never even done a single dumbbell raise press thingy. Still don't even know what it's called.

All that to say, I'm pretty out of shape.

But I gave the foundations 24.1 workout a go. I came pretty close to finishing but I didn't finish.

I had one set of arms and burpees left on my left arm.

I knew I wasn't going to finish. I'm just proud that I entered it and gave myself a baseline. It was hard. The burpees are tough for me. I'm 6' and carrying a lot of extra weight.

You're in your 40s and just started 9 months ago. I have to ask...what were you expecting? There are badasses who have been doing it for 10 years at my gym who aren't even close to the top numbers. Getting that close to finishing is awesome! Your ego mostly exists to cause you pain. You can push yourself to be better while also understanding that you're not gonna become some instant Crossfit badass in 9 months in your 40s.
@asdjop3 Before Crossfit I was a very active person. Hiking, Playing on multiple hockey teams. Snowboarding, Doing HITT boot camp style work outs, cycling. Based on my fitness level and being able to regularly do the intermediate scaled version of programming at my Box. I was expecting to be able to do the scaled version with 35 Lb dum bells before the 15 mins was up which I was very close to doing. Unfortunately I took it personal and seeing my ranked number of 102,834/167,666 rank and being bottom of my gym for those who actually registered has hurt my pride a little lol :) Great on you for doing the open the first 3 weeks in. I don't think I would have had the guts to do that and the majority new to cross fit would choose to pass on this :)
@mike24 Try it again and pace it better. Break up the sets of 21 and 15 db snatches into two sets with 10 sec break. Do step up burpees and stay hunched over. Go smooth and steady.
@mike24 Hey OP, I’ve been doing CF for about the same length as you. I’ve been an athlete all of my life, lifted since HS, and I’m 23 years old…I was able to complete the 21s and 15s of one of my arms at RX, needless to say, I was disappointed. However, some of my peers and I were talking and they told me that the awesome part about it is that at next year’s Open I’m going to be a completely changed athlete compared to this year. Comparison is the thief of joy. You nearly finished! Be proud of that and continue to show up to the workouts and you’ll probably be doing all of the workouts at RX next year.
@mike24 A few things:
1. Congrats on being bold enough and badass enough to sign up for the open! I think a lot of people don’t actually sign up, because it can be really intimidating.
2. I did notice you’re 6’4” and this is NOT an easy workout for us taller humans. In my box, almost everyone that didn’t finish was over 5’8” and (in my very non-professional opinion) I really don’t think it’s a coincidence. This sport can be challenging for us tall people, but we do have advantages in other workouts, so keep that in mind.
3. I have been doing CrossFit six days a week for over a year now and I also didn’t complete it. I wouldn’t necessarily try again before the cut off tomorrow. I made the mistake of doing it again today and it really took a big toll on my body and it is pretty rare (for me) to actually do better during my second try when it’s only been 24-48 hours since my first try. I will try it again in a few weeks or months as a benchmark for how well I am improving.
4. Don’t compare yourself to other people around you or to where you think you should be. You should be comparing yourself to who you were when you began this cool journey of fitness and health and I bet you have come a lot further than you realize. Give yourself some grace. Change, endurance and skill take time and none of the major games athletes got to where they are in nine months. You’re doing really well and you should be incredibly proud!
@mike24 You just did your first open workout, imagine it would not be a learning experience and you would master it at first try - how boring that would be! Great job and next time you know how to maybe take different strategies into perspective before doing the workout.
@mike24 You did great, especially for 9 months in. On top, you are large and this one just isn't our ballgame. I'm 6'6/220 and 3 years of Crossfit and managed to get 12:20 RX. Please don't forget, it's you vs you.

What helped me to get through is one consistent pace from start to till finish, with a little sprint at the last two 9's. Burpee's are my weakness, it's a long movement and I tend to blow up my chest when I get up. Because of this, I decided to move slow on the burpees to make sure that I would not need any rest when I transition.

Maybe this week, we will get a workout with a slight favor to the tall ones ;)
@mike24 I started CrossFit in November. I’ve been working out for years though. I’m 45, 6 ft 1, 98-100kg bw. I went RX on this even though I’d done no workouts with that weight db before as it was feeling ok in my warm up. I don’t have an engine and normally my lungs blow up. I was aiming to get to the 9’s and left 15 reps on the table. I’m happy with how I did, I feel bad for those who were trying to get me to finish that I let them down. I’m not redoing this. I’m not a competitive athlete by any means and I just need to process my limitations in my own mind. It’s the burpees that kill you. The snatches aren’t the issue. I think u did great! Part of me thinks with a redo I may be able to finish, not many reps to go but am I willing to put myself through that again? And if so, what would I gain?
@mike24 I redid it today. I got to the round of 9’s and stopped. I was 45 seconds ahead of my pace, but just didn’t have it in me to go into that place to finish it out. Part of me now wishes I did, but at the same time, I left the gym feeling good and felt like I got a solid workout. I’m not a games athlete, and I’m not a quarterfinals athlete (maybe with more time to train, I could get there).
@mike24 i haven't done it yet, but will this week. i intend to scale and will finish it however long it takes, my guess it will be about 25 mins.

cheers OP. props for doing it, props for coming so close. i'd be so glad to have your level of fitness/
instead of feeling really great about myself. I’m pretty down for not finishing the scaled version within the time cap.

You need to give yourself more credit as the workout was a tough slog and bravo for signing up as that opens up vulnerability as your are compared to others. A ton of CrossFitters at my box don't sign up partly because your effort is so public.

Scaled shouldn't be mistaken as "easy". Its still a very tough workout even with modifications. Scaled helps you experience the same stimulus as those doing the Rx just with adjustments to technique or weight.

Be proud, enjoy the experience and the different mentality when approaching these workouts. The best part of the open is after its done and next year rolls around you can see how you compared to a former version of you.
@mike24 I almost passed out and time capped that workout. Stick with it! There will be workouts you crush in the open and some that will eat you alive. Everything will make you stronger!
@mike24 dont be discouraged. You're 6'4." This is a short person's workout. That's not a complaint, it's just acknowledging that some workouts will feel tailor made for your strengths and some won't. This one won't. Just take the hits with the victories. I think you could retest and finish. you now know to pace the 21s and 15s and you also know what the pain feels like so try to push through it a little in the round of 9.