24.3: Observations after a morning in the gym

@coalb Thanks, that means a lot! I was discouraged when I spent November to mid January on the Texas method and only gained 30 pounds on my squat 😂 but I guess 30 pounds is a lot when you’re 31 and been doing CrossFit 7 years
@buckswordbearer I thought since I knew I wouldn’t finish I wanted a good tiebreak score so I’d send it on the first piece. I also mistakenly thought the stimulus of thrusters and C2B would feel like the more common stimulus of thrusters and PU so held in for waaaay longer than I should.

Huge mistakes.
@buckswordbearer Cannot agree with this more. Second part is a TRAP of a workout. Any rest after the 1min is immediately gone after the thrusters. Started to get really brutal around 3rd round of that.

14:38 was my time
@buckswordbearer I got 131 reps. I’m terrible at stringing BMU so I just do singles. Key for me was not fail any so I had to be sure to not be too fatigued going it. I also don’t butterfly. Shoulders don’t like it so I don’t bother. For reference My Fran time is about 4:30 so figure if I really pushed the first five rounds I could have done it in about 5:30-6:00 🤷🏻‍♂️. Instead I broke everything 5/5 and even a couple c2b rounds 5/3/2. I finished the five rounds at 7:47. Part 2 I broke the 135# in round one 3/3/1 to be safe. Took 2:00 to do the BMUs (not including transition). Did second set of thrusters 4/3 as I was more confident. Second set of BMU in 1:40. Had 10 seconds for a few more thrusters.
@buckswordbearer Love this post! This was exactly my plan going in. I have a sub 4 Fran and can string 10 C2Bs but I knew that would blow me up on the 2nd part. I treated the first half as an every 90 seconds workout and did singles the whole way on C2Bs. Added a few extra seconds on the last two rounds but still finished at 7:47.

My goal was 2 rounds into the second segment. Went 4-3 and singles. Ended up with 4 thrusters in the 3rd round. Unless you can't do the heavy thrusters or the MUs, the first segment absolutely doesn't matter, unless you kill yourself.