3 month - 6 month progress post: RR only - (M/24/6'1) 155lbs-195lbs


New member
The recommended routine was a life saver for me. I got exactly the results I was looking for by doing the RR with minimal equipment. I started a couple months into quarantine. I've missed a total of about 4 weeks interspersed for either trips, work, or sickness. In addition to this, I also do full contact weapons sparring 3x a week which is my cardio. Here's my main progress over 6 months:

Pullups: 3x3 sloppy to 3x8 with emphasis on form. I think my pullup progression has been slow because I've been adding around 7lbs per month (it's water and fat, not muscle, I was chronically undereating so my weight exploded once I started to actually eat more than once a day) done on a pull-up bar from the thrift for $5.

Squats: 3x12 BW squats - 3x8 archer squats

Dips: 3x3 negatives to 3x10, all done on an old pair of bar chairs

Rows: 3x5 bedsheet method to 3x10 wide grip inverted on my dining room table

Pushups: focused mostly on form here. 3x12 normal to 3x8 pseudo-planche

Core: 30 sec plank to 3x8 knee ab rollouts with a $20 amazon ab wheel. Currently able to do 1 standing ab rollout.

I know my exercise progressions aren't where they could be, but I was looking for a consistent workout routine I could do from home that would keep me feel better after 3 years of being a hungry skeleton. I wanted something that didnt eat up all my time and wouldn't impede my ability to do my weapons fighting. The RR routine was perfect and gave me exactly what I was looking for. I feel incredible, I'm much stronger, and my partner has been thrilled with the modest amount of muscle I've put on. 10/10.

Diet was eating anything I could get my hands on. I limit my fried food and sugar but I do enjoy a good popeyes chicken sandwich and a cinnabon once in a while. I otherwise almost exclusively eat chicken, turkey, fish, simple carbs, peanut butter, beans, rice, and fruit. I don't drink soda or fruit juice and I drink a decent amount of coffee.

Progress pics:
The final one was after a 3 week cut. I took that selfie and then immediately abandoned it cause I felt like shit. I look more like this most the time because I like food now:
@sergeyevich High intensity sparring 3 times a week and cutting out most overprocessed foods for three weeks. I ate nothing but shredded chicken, beans, rice, turkey, fish, bananas, peanut butter, and spinach. Maybe some avocado and wheat/multigrain bread. I also stopped drinking as much water as I should. I felt like absolute piss in that picture. Feel much healthier, stronger, and faster with my tummy.
@mitz 3x8 pull-ups is definitely not something to be ashamed of after 6 months. Yes, you could probably have progressed faster, but who cares? You progressed very well and you’re not a professional callisthenics athlete. You look fucking amazing and you probably feel so too. If Start you and 6 Months you would fight, you’d probably pick him up and throw him out of a window like it was nothing. Keep going at it!

Also, if you’re looking to upgrade callisthenics game: get rings. They’re the best purchase I’ve ever done.
@sister_diane I do my pullups in the doorway to my garage, cause my landlord said thats the only doorjam she's comfortable getting scuffed up. Unfortunately right under that is a stone stairway, so it's not level ground. I'm looking into getting a standing pull up structure.
@mitz An right. Yeah, I do all my training in a little playground near my house. It has monkeybars, so I can do almost everything there. For exercises that need my rings to be high off the ground I bike a little further to a callisthenics park.
@princysharma1990 Yes, exactly. Rings are much more challenging than I’d ever imagined. All exercises require enormous amounts of stability. So your chest is not producing much more force, your muscles just have to work together perfectly, that’s why it feels so tough. I’ve seen absolutely crazy gains since I started on rings after the summer.

Right now I’m trying to perfect my ring dips (now at 3x7), practicing archer pull-up negatives, practicing ring muscle-up transition, skin-the-cat, etc. So many super fun exercises to train for. The possibilities with rings are endless.