32 Y/O returning after hiatus, joint pain


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm 32 years old, 5'6 170 pounds. Before COVID hit I was able to squat 335x3, deadlift 435x3, Bench 245x3. I had a slight back injury like 2 weeks before COVID hit and of course gyms closed and I was confined to doing bodyweight exercises at home. 2021-2022 I worked out on an off not focusing a lot on compounds but not in terrible shape. 2022 my wife gave birth to our first child in March and I stopped going to the gym completely until the beginning of December.

While I have experience with 5/3/1 and other programs and am not new to the gym scene, I thought it to be wise to start with a basic LP program and treat it as a fresh start following this program: https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/

I followed the advice in the wiki for finding my starting weight and probably was a bit too conservative with the starting weight as the last 10 workouts I have exceeded the 10+ reps for the last set which is AMRAP. Note I have followed ONLY this routine. Not this routine + accessory movements, just the compounds. I generally get in 13,000 steps a day on average according to my fitbit.

I have some soreness specifically around the inside of my left knee and the inside of my left arm above the elbow. This pain is new and not something I have felt in my previous years of active training. I assume enough time off has weakened some tendons/ligaments/joints, and ramping up over the last 4 weeks has put some stress on them. My plan moving forward is instead of doing Workout A/B/A.. is swapping out one of the days with an accessory/mobility day doing things like LIGHT face pulls, tricep pushdowns, curls, calf raises, etc. So more like workout A, rest, accessory day, rest, workout B, rest.

I'm curious about anyone else's thoughts/advice or if anyone else has similar experience with coming back after a gym hiatus.
