330lb newbie form check please


New member
Hey gang. I’ve been on a weight loss and strength journey. This year I’ve lost around 60lb through diet and walking alone. Recently adding weight training and I’ve recently discovered this amazing sub.

I’m using what I could borrow right now, a 10kg kettlebell. It’s not the same shape as the ones so I’m struggling with cleans and anything that requires that dynamic movement in the wrist. But, I’ve been loving swings.

I’ve challenged myself to nail my swing technique the year and right now my goal is to do swings until failure every day.

This is day 10 and I’ve gone from being able to hit around 20 swings total to over 100 today!

This clip is my last set and took me to 120.

I feel like I need to be bending my knees more but when I do I find it feels different and not right inmy hip hinge.

Any tips?

Really appreciate this sub A LOT and thanks for your comments in advice.


Video didn’t attach here’s a link! form check
@kinhhoang2 First: that kb is too light for you big boy, you need a bigger bell.
Also, do not anticipate the hinging motion.
Let the kettlebell drag you downward and hinge when your forearms touch you groin/inner tighs.
This will save your lower back when swinging a bell of appropriate weight.
Practice this from now with what you have at your disposal, it must become a second nature.

Second: you won't need a year to perfect your swing, more like months of good technical work. Trust the process.

Third: do not train everyday to failure, it will inevitably lead to injury. Respect your body and give it proper recovery time. Either you hurt yourself, burnout mentally or your performance plummets vertically in a few weeks.

Last: well done, you are in for all kinds of gains, welcome to the fam.
@kinhhoang2 Good work,

As mentioned, too light of weight for you (if your failure is 120 reps) and going to failure isn’t ideal (not good planning).

Mix in some bodyweight/light equipment (sliders, bands, db’s) training to aid in the kb training.

For your swings, try some bridges before,during, or after to help. Maybe throw in some other exercises with your swings to round out a little circuit type deal, and track how many times around (include rest time or as needed).

See you around
@pritt6455 Thank you! I’ve got my eye on a 24kg KB which I’m hoping to get soon. And I’ve been learning about sets I can do from this sub and mixing it up, and doing less reps and focussing on mastering my form while I have a lighter weight

Today I did

10x swings
5 x clean and press each side
5 x single arm rows

10 x goblet squats

And stretched really well before and after, and thanks for the tip about bridges. That movement always feels great and I’m glad to know it’ll help with these exercises

Feeling strong.