4 day split? (25 y/o)

@godsmusician Life is about balance so if you don’t really want to lift on work days, and can swing 4 on 4 off and make gains, who cares? If you feel like going on a work day then just go get a lift in, it is really that simple. I like U/L a lot because If I have a day where I feel like i can squeeze a lift in I can just do the next day I was supposed to do and it doesn’t do anything goofy to the rest of schedule if was running PPL or a 5 day with 4 days off and on for work I might go nuts trying to stay consistent.
@godsmusician I’ve been doing upper lower for the past 2 weeks and it’s my favourite so far. Classic beginner tried doing pplx2 and hated it. Same volume but too many days training was very taxing. Then I switched to bro split, loved the workouts but didn’t give me a great feeling come the weekend as I felt most muscles were ready to go again. Doing upper lower rest upper lower rest rest and it just feels amazing. Glad I’ve found what works for me. Could work for you?
@godsmusician I agree with the others, upper lower at 2 days/week, repeated twice. Should fit you perfectly.

“I want to get up to 200 lbs without getting fat”.
* Proceed with cut and bulk. — You won’t build 20 lbs of muscle or even 10 lbs, in one year. — Start with 300 cal surplus and cut whenever outlines of abs disappear. — Aka 20% bf or above.

Depending on your height, you probably already look pretty strong. 4 years of lifting and 180lbs is good. Keep it up and you’ll be bigger. There’s no rush on getting to 200 lbs, just eat more.
@godsmusician I would try ULUL or PPLU.

Both these splits normally have a rest day in the middle, but just go for it if you can’t do the rest day.

I think I would try to power into the gym after that 4th work day, so like this.

Day 1- Work

Day2- Work

Day3- Work

Day4- Work/Upper

Day5- lower




Make sure you’re in a slight caloric surplus like 250-300calories.

Eat enough protein and sleep enough.
@godsmusician My favorite four day split is push pull push pull

Push: chest, front delts, side delts, tris, abs, quads

Pull: back, rear delts, bis, hams, calves

You’re doing one or two exercises for each body part so recovery isn’t an issue, it hits everything, and you can give maximum efforts to your sets because you aren’t already fatigued
@mindlinx When I run a 5 day split I like the anterior posterior alternating but without specific arm work then on the 5th day an arm specific day. Love the idea of push and pull days that use the upper parts and lower parts combined