40 y/o guy, no idea what I’m doing!

I’ve tried going to gyms before and consistently got bored with it and quit.

So now I’m 40 and had gastric bypass 9 months ago. I’m down 109 pounds so far. I was never muscular by any stretch, but I can tell my arms are smaller and I’m definitely not as strong as I used to be. The surgeon says I should do strength training, so I’m taking it more seriously now than I have in the past.

There are a million workout routine sites, videos, etc and I don’t know what’s good or not. I can’t afford a personal trainer.
Can anyone recommend a site and/or routine to help a middle aged guy like me get stronger?

Thank you!
@pulickalbrothers Congratulations on your weight loss journey! For strength training, starting with the basics is key. Focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These foundational movements will give you the most bang for your buck in terms of strength gains.

A great free resource to start with is the Recommended Routine on the r/bodyweightfitness subreddit. It's designed for all levels and doesn't require much equipment. Also, the Fitness Wiki on r/Fitness provides a plethora of information on different workout programs that are well-suited for beginners.

Remember to start slowly, focusing on form over weight to prevent injuries. YouTube channels like Athlean-X and Jeff Nippard offer excellent advice on proper form and beginner workouts. Finally, ensure your diet supports your new activity level, particularly in protein intake, to aid muscle repair and growth. Stay consistent, and progress will follow!
@pulickalbrothers Try starting out with a full body routine, maybe 2 to 3 days a week and 2 to 3 sets per body part, and I'd say anywhere between 8 to 12 rep range. Don't focus too much on intensity as much as consistency. The first 40 days of working out, I would say to just be consistent and build a habit out of it first and then up the intensity. Also, make sure you are using great form because that is very important for muscle growth.
Make sure you are changing the exercises you do every week so that you don't get burned out with the same old stuff. Make a pattern to follow. One week squats for leg workout and the next week leg extensions and hamstring curls. And vice versa. Something like that. Do full body for about 6 months, and then I would move on to a split routine to allow for more volume, intensity, and to be more time friendly. There are tons of strength training videos on this stuff, too. So check those out as well. Jeff Nippard gives good weight lifting advice.
@pulickalbrothers My dad, a 50 yo man, used to do a few things that might help or at less inspire .
When he is at the gym he train just enough to feel the tense within his muscles and he told me that every time he has to take the subway or the bu, he walk and get on it in the 4th or 3rd stations in every days life

Concerning his routine, he start with quick walk and a bit of running or cycling and focus on his back to avoid back pain as all the exercises train his arms even if it’s a bit he doesn’t feel a huge gap then he finish with a small walk

I hope it will help you ! (of course it depends on your objectives)