5’4 last few pounds are so hard to lose

@jc09 I’m 5’4, and I’m around 125lbs currently. I tend to only be around 115 lbs or less if I’m restricting or over-exercising, which I haven’t done in awhile. I’m still decently thin and fit.
@ki77ie I’ve seen the saying “your goal weight might not be your bodies goal weight” thrown around a lot lately and it’s definitely something to consider. why do you want to be that particular number? if it’s going to cost you stress, experiences, etc etc, is it really worth it.
@ki77ie Is that last 5 lbs really worth it? What is it about the number on the scale that makes it the end all be all?

That number is so affected by so many things. We can low carb and restrict calories to our goal all we want. The reality is that once you meet that goal and you go into maintenance mode, you’re just going to see the scale go up.

This is why I encourage goal setting in other areas. Focus on adding more movement to your day and how that makes you feel. Add weight lifting to your routine if you aren’t already. You’ll get stronger, tone up, and increase your TDEE. Hopefully you took measurements and progress pics so you can measure your progress in ways other than what some stupid number on the scale says.
@ki77ie I’m 5 ft. 3, i was shooting for around 115. I got there, and I accidentally continued to lose weight truly without meaning to, (undergoing medical issues) anyway. The difference between that 115 and 110 for me is healthy versus sickly looking at 110. Sometimes we come up with arbitrary numbers in our minds about an ideal weight, but it doesn’t make much sense because it doesn’t factor in body composition at all. Maybe you are wanting to gain more muscle, rather than lose more weight, as gaining more muscle generally does actually provide more of a toned look that people associate with someone who is a low weight, when in reality they are technically a heavier weight but muscle takes up less space than fat.
@ki77ie Why is 110lbs your goal?

At 5’4” and 117 lbs and with some good physical activity, it sounds to me like you’re pretty metabolically healthy.

I’m 5’4” and currently 122-125 lbs (weight fluctuates a little with my cycle etc.)

110 lbs for 5’4” is quite slender - I’d know because I’ve been that tiny. When I was that size I wasn’t very strong, and I tired more easily. Now I can amaze people with my ability to run up narrow subway steps with a heavy, loaded up commuter bike to catch a train!

My situation is a little different in that for me, gaining has always been the hard thing, but regardless I’m fairly confident that you’re healthy physically based on what you’ve said about the process you’ve made.

Muscle mass and a modest amount of body fat are important for women to age healthily. This muscle and body fat help you with energy you need for sickness, activity, your hormone cycle, and pregnancy if that’s something you desire.

I’d focus less on a number at this stage of your fitness journey and more on how your body feels. Does it feel good when you move? Are you able to do fun physical activities? Etc.
@ki77ie I’m going to get downvoted to hell for this. But, I think some of y’all need to go to therapy. Like, really sit down think, talk, and evaluate your relationship with your body. I’m 5’1 and 110 would be considered slightly underweight for me. What the hell does a 5’4 woman need to be 110lbs for? Is the last 10 lbs truly worth it? We really need help moving from the mindset of being our smallest self. I hope I don’t come off too bitchy🥲
@fronteirins I guess I’d consider myself underweight🤣 sorry I was 10lbs off lmao. My point still stands, there’s no reason for a grown adult to aim for their smallest self. Sorrryyyy
@fronteirins Yup, this particular posts needs a hard caution though. She’s already 1500k with religious calculating. Like I said before, she’s 5’4 and wants to be 110…

I think it’s okay to tell her to chill.
@ki77ie I’m 5ft 3 and currently 119. I’d like to lose about 5 more pounds. Last summer I was about 112-114 and I felt great. I sort of slacked off during the winter due to life and health issues but I’m really wanting to lose the extra weight. I know health wise I’m at a perfectly healthy and fine weight. I just feel a bit blah you know? That being said, 110lb at 5ft 4in is on the low end so it may be pretty difficult to get to that weight. Maybe aim for 112-114?
@jedis yeah I’ll see how I feel at 115! I actually like my body right now I’m just trying to get rid of the last bit of belly fat my body holds onto
I came back to say that when I was 5ft 4in my happy weight was 116-118lbs so right where you are currently. I think you have to take into consideration the balance between eating/exercise and becoming overly concerned the number on the scale. You may never get to 110 and that’s okay. You don’t want to have to become obsessed to get there. I definitely believe that our bodies sort of have a “set point” range and you may be in that range.
@ki77ie Yeah the closer you get to your goal weight, the more diligent you have to be. Everything has to be on point. Sleep, stress levels, etc. And the leaner you are the hungrier you feel in a deficit. I’m right there with ya. 5’2” Sitting at 115. Just entered a cutting phase this week after trying to build muscle for several months. Trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 105. But I know I will not get there in one dieting phase bc that would be too torturous for me personally. At this point, I refuse to sacrifice my mental or physical wellbeing for the sake of getting lean as fast as possible. I am seasoned enough to know that slow and steady is the way to go at this point.

I’m also open to the possibility of gaining more muscle and liking the way I look if that means I’m at a higher weight than my goal. I’m more into chasing the look than the number these days. I did reach my goal weight of 105 a couple years ago and didn’t have much muscle so it wasn’t as great as I thought it would be. It’s is not easy gaining muscle though! But I’m trying my best. I definitely think it’s more challenging for the short ladies bc we have a lower TDEE.

Increasing your steps will definitely be a game changer for you though. I average 12k steps a day. When I increase my steps to 15k the weight melts off. But it can be a bit stressful to get that many steps in daily. 12k feels much more manageable at this point!

You could also take a little diet break if you’re gaining and losing the same 2 lbs over and over. You might just be mentally exhausted and need a little breather.

Best of luck!
@1christianchick It depends on the season. It’s definitely easier for me to hit my goal in the spring and fall. And in the late summer I have to do a lot of steps early before it gets scorching hot. I live in Kentucky so in the winter I do treadmill on a 1% incline. For the speed, I just go with whatever I’m feeling that day. Some days I have more pep in my step so I’ll speed it up some. Usually just a moderate pace though.

I wake up a little early and do a 20 minute walk every day before work. I’m a teacher, so I get some steps in at work. Nothing crazy but it helps. Then depending on my activity at work I usually will do another 20 minute walk after dinner and that takes care of it for me. Some days I don’t have to walk after dinner if it was a more active day at school.

I really enjoy walking. It boosts my mood and it has an appetite suppressing effect as well. I don’t enjoy the treadmill as much as I do walking outside. I’m fortunate to live in a great neighborhood for walking. It’s basically a walker’s paradise. Lots of shops, parks, scenic streets and nature trails within a mile of my house. I listen to you tube, music, or podcasts while I’m walking.

But when it’s winter and too cold to walk outside the treadmill is fine. I get a lot done on the treadmill with my phone. I check emails, make lists, do research, shop. And if I get bored I just scroll on here, Instagram, or TikTok and the time passes relatively fast.

I’m sorry I honestly have no idea how many miles it is daily. I tried to check my Apple health app and can’t find that number. I wanna say like 7…? But not for sure!

I always tell people start with a 5 minute walk once or twice a day and build up from there. I like to eat and it definitely boosts my TDEE so I don’t have to restrict my caloric intake as much!
@ki77ie The last few lbs are always the hardest. I’m the same height and when I first started at 138, I wanted to be 115. I’m now sitting comfortably at 125-127 range and much happier with my aesthetics at this weight vs when I was previously under 120. Weight training helped a ton. I may still try to get to 122-124 but I think that will be my limit.

Nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be 110 but just pointing out there are other ways to get to your aesthetic goals. It may be worth exploring other options just bc it may be difficult to sustain even after you get to 110.
@ki77ie Seconding the person who said everything has to be on point. Keep lifting heavier, hitting the protein macros, cutting sugar. Feel free to cheat once or twice a week if you’re in no hurry, and then just trust the process. At 5’3, I have been as low as 105 lbs, but I’m also happy with how I look at 112 lbs.

Initially I was so psyched by the momentum of weight loss success that I was all about “how low can I go?” But as years passed, I am completely comfortable gaining extra weight in the winter (still look pretty good at 116 lbs), and only cutting a bit for spring/summer.