5’4 last few pounds are so hard to lose

@ki77ie I’m 5’4” and have to starve myself to stay below 125. I feel like if you have to resort to that, it means it’s just not meant to be and that’s okay - time to compromise. I’ve been maintaining and pretty happy at 125 for a couple years now (save a pregnancy last year). Still trying to get to 110 slowwwwwly (not starving myself like I used to) but at this rate if I keep maintaining, it’s fine … it took a lot of soul searching to get there.
@ki77ie 5’ and 110 is too thin for me and I’m petite (small wrists and waist). Why not pick a healthy body fat percent and shoot for that. At the end of the day if you’re 110 and 30% bf vs 115-120 at 20-25% BF you’re better off at the higher weight. You’ll probably take up about the same space anyway.
@ki77ie 5’2 and it’s a struggle for me to get under 120 even though I weighed 110 in high school. I did manage it once and it wasn’t a good look for me. Adding some weight training and sprints, my waist got down to 24 inches at 122 pounds. Best I’ve ever looked, but I stopped because the number on the scale wouldn’t move.
@ki77ie I was 125lbs at the highest currently maintain at 110lbs at 5”3’. 105 was my goal cuz that’s what I weighed and felt best in college. It’s a struggle the 15lbs was easy because I did the working out and watched what I ate. I reached 106 but it came back. I fasted for 18 hrs and ate clean. If I lost anymore or tried to stay at that weight I’d have to severely restrict myself which is not a good idea long term wise. So I’m gonna stick it out at 110 since it’s easier to maintain without being miserable.
@ki77ie I am 5’3”, Asian and small framed, and was between 100-135lbs in my lifetime. The less than 110 was before first child and at one point after child but working out and watching calories quite a bit.

I got to 135 after Covid and I am now at 117-120. Depends on the day. This is my preferred range.

Looking back and what I am now, the 115-125 is my range. I can eat well, feel good due to exercise, I fit my clothes well, and I look good also. As long as I exercise, even at 125, I look as nice as 115 due to lean (more muscles). Less than 115, I look too flat.

At 5’4”, I am confident you look great at 117lbs. At 110lbs, you’ll be too thin and more difficult to maintain if this isn’t your natural sweet spot for your body.
@ki77ie Agree with others. You've picked a low, low weight. It's going to be hard. This is the real world and we only have limited energy to achieve our goals. You may find that it's more important to you to put your energy towards other equally important goals, or that the comfort and wiggle room of weighing 120 as opposed to 110 gives you such a better quality of life that you can get over the fact that you look a certain way in photos (you probably look good but have been conditioned to think that only super skinny is beautiful - I know I saw things this way in my 20s). I'm sure you can do it if you want to, but now you know the cost you may decide you want to spend that effort on other things.
@ki77ie I AM 5’4 and 110 lbs but I don’t think that should be anyone’s goal. And I’m extremely small framed so I look better on the slimmer side. It’s only 2.3 lbs or so from underweight. I think she evaluate your reasons.
@sobuj I’m pretty small framed as well, all my weight seems to stick around my lower belly and love handles and I didn’t start noticing it coming off until recently so that’s why I wanted to just finish these last few pounds to really notice a difference. my current weight is easy to maintain because I never eat out or crave fast foods I eat twice a day high fat and protein foods so I’m thinking 110 will be similar to maintain as long as I keep active on my daily steps.
@ki77ie How about you stick to like 115 and reevaluate from there? I get it girl it's just bordering on less than healthy thought process, not saying that that's whats happening to you, but it's just something to think about
@ki77ie Same here. 5'3" 120 lbs. I've given up on weightloss and now focusing more on fat loss. I had to be done driving myself crazy trying to get back to 110 lbs
@ki77ie I have the same current and goal weight as you, maybe 51kg (112lbs) with more muscle (Oh, also same height). I've been at 44kg (97lbs) before and that looked 'too' skinny and I completely lost my arse... I've gradually grown that back (mostly..) and even then I never had a completely flat stomach, it sucks, so...much..! I was starving myself and severely depressed and stressed in life, but still working out and fit.I think sticking to 1200-1500 cals with 10k-12k steps, maybe try add in a HIIT workout every other day will give you decent results in a month or so.For HIIT workouts I like Pamela Reif and Mary Braun on YouTube.I hope this helps and you get to your goal/are happy with yourself soon :)
@ki77ie I’m 5’4” and also 117 and I’m busting my butt to gain weight because I look too skinny! No offense, but 110 is sickly skinny at this height! Maybe focus more on gaining muscle mass and you might be happy at that weight being more toned up.
@ki77ie I'm 5'4 and went from 160lb 6 years ago to minimum 105kg 4 years ago. I took photos all along the way, and i look best about 115-120kg, and i can also stay there if i can choose my own eating times and food on most days. I looked a bit scraggy below 110lb, but i am over 50 lol, and everyone is different. To answer the question, yes it takes a long time, but also every kg is noticeable from 120-110, so just be patient, enjoy being heealthy, and take pictures so that you can choose which weight is perfect for you once you've tried the range you can healthily maintain.
@ki77ie Is this goal weight something you’ve hit before or is this purely a goal to see a certain number on the scale? Ditch and scale and focus on what you feel and see in the mirror. You need to bulk a little before cutting more. You need to build more muscles to increase your basal metabolic rate that way you can continue losing fat at a lower deficit. Because eating below 1500cal while being active is not fun and won’t be sustainable. But echoing off what others have said I’m 5’3 and my lowest adult weight was 108. I was really weak, I felt tired all the time, ate one meal a day, looked skinny fat and got sick often. Others who are the same height and weight as you can look vastly different so I’d recommend focusing on building muscle to get your goal physique!
@ki77ie It always looks different to the person experiencing it, I know, and my current weight is something a lot of people try to get to, but I am so jealous of this problem. I will never be 117 pounds again, and I miss it.
@ki77ie Same problem! 5’ 2” SW: 145 CW: 122 GW: 115.. I’ve been at 122-123 for a few months now.. been upping my protein and doing more resistance/strength training ( 5 days a week!) just cant seem to break this plateau. I
Originally my goal weight was 125 but Im still hanging onto a spare tire and love handles post partum so 115-118 is my new goal lol.
Do you track macros? Focus on protein and fats, low carb except complex carbs.. I also do alot of intermittent fasting.. I’d try incorporating it if you haven’t already!
@ki77ie I know a lot of people commenting are telling you to rethink your goals but I’ll tell you about my experience. I’m 5’4 and started at around 160 and now I’m at 109. This took me a year and 3 months. No I didn’t need to starve myself to get to this point and no I’m not weak also. I do strength training 5 days a week with relatively heavy weights. To get from 113-109 took me almost 3 months and what helped was going from eating 1400cals to closer to 1700-1800 or even maintenance for most of the week. Basically I upped my calories to retrain my metabolism.

As long as you are losing weight and building muscle mass in a healthy manner, I don’t see a problem with having a goal of 110lbs at 5’4. According to our BMI, underweight would be 108lbs but I know other factors need to be considered. Everyone’s preferences are different and as long as your goal isn’t to be underweight, I think it’s totally fine