50M, aerobic and functional fitness, got any tips?


New member
Morning. Just turning 50 so dropping in to this sub to say hi and hopefully gain some wisdom.

Always mostly looked after myself & am interested in remaining functionally fit for as long as possible. To be able to hike or run; do heavy work in the garden; be able to climb a tree; be able to lift things easily, to be flexible and not have MSK pain. May sound ambitious but I still want to be doing those things in another 50 years, although maybe not climbing the tree.

These are my stats at 50: Weight 68kg, height 182 cm. Body fat estimate 11% (bioimpedence scales). VO2max estimate 56 ml O2/kg/min.

Aerobic performance stats: run 5km 18 minutes. Bike 20 mins 4.3 w/kg. Swim 400m 5m50. Row 2000m 7m40.

Strength & core: plank 3 minutes. chin ups = 6. Press ups = 50. Are there any more metrics that would be good to add?

Diet: mostly plant with dairy. Occasional chicken. No fried food. Probably too much sugar- working on this. Very little alcohol now - got that out of my system in 20s and 30s. Coffee every morning.

Lifestyle: I used to get stress at work but not now, reduced that by going part time and shedding some responsibilities. Very little stress now. Sleep 9 hours per night. Never smoked or taken any drugs legal or illegal.

Health: no problems so far that I know, although I broke a leg as a kid & need to be careful with that knee and ankle. Use SPF 50.

Exercise: 1 to 3 sessions of aerobic exercise almost every single day and these usually last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Mix of swimming, running, cycling and gym. Including the commute-prefer not to drive if I can walk or ride. Occasional strength work but mainly just lifting objects from here to there because it needs doing.

Hair is going white but I blame the kids for that.

Anything else to be thinking about?

Good health and good wishes all.
And having just posted this, suddenly these are the ads in my feed:

"Did you know that a home lift does not need to be expensive"

"Homeowner over 67? Don't fall for the equity release myths"

"People born 1942- 1973 with no life insurance could be eligible for this" ...