hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

@lyndsey I do goblet and belt. Mostly dropped goblet, except for Sundays when my dad comes to the gym with me and I'm trying to help him, I do them side by side with him. I want to try hack squats too, but damn those machines are hard to get comfortable in.
@kellypq never doubted the big 4 are great. Said there is more than way to get to the goal, not trying to get the most optimum thing ever. Trying to avoid injury. That should have been clear. If it wasn't its because you're projecting your own beliefs and reading into it what I wrote to get yourself offended, especially evident when you claim I said something I didn't.
@sharkbait13 “Toxicly or stupidly dogmatic” is what you refered the tried and true method of large compound lifts to be.

You say that there is other methods, but really there isnt. Its the basic movements of the human body.
@kellypq The very natural movements of the human body include resting a steel bar over ones traps. Just stop.

Ill once more reiterate I don't and never doubted the efficacy of the exercises.
@sharkbait13 The resting of the bar on the traps is not really the core of the exercise. But i get if it feels bad. You just have to find the sweetspot where it lies comftably.
@sharkbait13 Be VERY careful with loaded twisting movements. Most of the movement should be scapular/collarbone and not the spine.

The two best types of functional resistance work are:
  • sandbags
  • isometrics
Sandbags because the load is shifty, the load is further from your center of balance than cast iron (increases core stability demand), and every single exercise starts with "pick up the bag off the floor"

Isometrics because they not only hammer high threshold motor units (speed/power), but they increase strength in ways that are not indexed to repetitive movement programming.

I don't much care about my 'numbers', but some variation of squat, hinge, horizontal push, horizontal pull are the foundation of any resistance training program, regardless the goal. Any movement specific exercises are accessories to these, or you'll find yourself overchallenging grip and extremities while underchallenging prime movers (this WILL work fine in limited duration training blocks, not as a permanent strategy).
@mikeb34 I will be careful for sure, I've a L5/S1 herniation, so twisting movements kill me but also sort of why I want to very carefully train them. Will look into isometrics. Sandbags I guess would be an at home thing since the gym doesn't really have them.
@sharkbait13 You might want to spend a little more time under the bar before you try to reinvent the wheel. There is a reason many if us build our routines around the big four.
@ipray4u Good for you. Not asking to reinvent the wheel. Y'all get triggered so easily when people don't worship at the altar of the big 4 - which I do 3 of by the way, but no one really cares to read.
@sharkbait13 I don’t think it’s getting triggered so much as it’s rolling my eyes. If you think you have a better way of doing things, why come here for advice at all? And if you’re going to come here for advice, ehy get defensive when you get referred back to what has been rime tested and proven effective?
@olirain I'm very glad that you have something which works for you and people like you. I applaud you. But I am just as uninterested in your opinion today as I was the other day.

And to the people upvoting - great for all of you, happy for you to.
@sharkbait13 I have lifted regularly since I was 17. Approaching 25 years. I’ve avoided major injuries except a year of bad sciatica. I enjoy weights and to a degree yoga and loathe stuff like classes / Orange Theory.

Everyone is different but here is a “plan” I enjoy and have had good success since 35yo.

PPL - with two different versions of each. One built around standard lifts and the second around alternatives that use more KBs, ropes, jumps, etc. For example.

Pull Day: Barbell dead lifts, lat pull down, dumbbell hammer curls, dumbbell one arm rows, EZ preacher curl, trap bar shrug.

Alt Pull: Heavy KB Swings, KB gorilla rows, alternating dumbbell curl, reverse grip cable pull downs (bicep focused), battle ropes, rope face pulls.

Having two different days for each P,P, and L really breaks up the monotony.

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