51m never been active. With no activity during covid I’m needing guidance. Need to try and turn it around

@steffi I’m a former college distance runner but got out of shape and by 54 after Covid lockdowns ended up with PE and DVT.
As others have said start with walking. I started with dog in AM and PM. I did that for months. Along with 531 FSL weights.
Then moved walks to rucks. Backpack with 20-35 lbs for dog walks.
Now adding a wall/run 3 x week.
It takes time but much better than a lost year to injury.
@steffi Someone in this gave me some good advice the other day.
Do 1% better each day. I have thought about this constantly since I read it. Small changes add up and change bad habits.
You said you walked today. Great, walk at least 1% more tomorrow, and forward.

It's taken me two years to get in the correct mindset . I have a sweet tooth. Ugh.

@steffi I was in a cycling class the other day. She mentioned that if we come to class three times in a row, it will become a new habit. Good advice for everything.

Yes I want to lose weight, gain muscle and look good in sleeveless shirts. :)
But I also think of it as preventing medical problems in the future and the medical bills!!!!!

Add 1% to your walk today.
@steffi Look up beginning programs for older people who are out of shape. Walking is a fine cardio exercise, especially to start with. You also will want to incorporate stretching and strength training.
@steffi I would recommend that you consider visiting a doctor first, just to get a general checkup and find out how everything is working. If you are that prone to injury, there may be things you want to avoid doing at first, and a doctor can help you find that out. You also want to make sure you're not putting yourself at risk for any reason.

*But I should add, kudos to you for even approaching the idea of making a life change. This is a big step forward, and it's never too late to make it. Everyone our age who is currently in shape has made that same decision, and now you are in their company.
@steffi Wonderful! Good luck on your journey, my friend, and check back in with us as often as you like. People who share your goals are the reason this group exists.
@roberto1820 Thank you for the support. I sure will check back I can see it will of course benefit me but for someone else in the same position as me it can help them seeing all the great advice I’ve already received in the few hours of joining. Thank you.
@steffi 51m here. CABGx3 in '16.

After a doc visit: rope a friend in. Almost anything is possible when you are playing with a friend!

Walk, ride a bike, lift light things, kick a ball around, throw a ball around, Hit a ball around, chase fireflies (run,) take selfies at the top of hills, then mountains and bore your neighbors showing them.

Food? Eat as minimally processed as possible. Lots of fruit/veg, grains. Enjoy non-sugar drinks, spices, and try to eat with others as much as possible. Invite friends over, and go to their homes!

It's unlikely we will have more than another 50 years, so let's enjoy the ones we have left!