6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

@dawn16 It’s definitely possible. On a really active day that I consider “active” I’ve burned like 3,000 cals before. Compare that to a professional wild land fire fighter and it doesn’t sound too far off. I think many people underestimate what “really active” actually is, to where we think that simply burns 2,500 for the average person or so and that’s just not it. Really active is like considered moving intensely mostly every minute of the day, so in their case it seems pretty realistic
@theeverydaykingdom What job is requiring you to burn 6000 calories a day? At 5’3 that’s damn near impossible even with a large amount of muscle mass. This is not the advice you came here for but if I were you I’d find a new job. Sounds like a great way to injure yourself. It’s just not sustainable.
@bluebird29 I'm a wildland firefighter who carries gear up mountains, lifts logs, runs a chainsaw, and suppresses large fires for 16+ hours a day. I love my job dearly. Thanks for the non-fitness related advice though.
@theeverydaykingdom Wait, when there is no accurate way to measure calories burned there is a job out there that has a requirement to burn a minimum? Smells like an HR issue. Also if anything is required I sure hope you are getting paid for it
@theeverydaykingdom You might have been retaining a lot of fluids in your mid section or even had some inflammation that now has gone away from exercising. I know I lost inches off my waist I didn’t know was possible when I cut out gluten, stopped exercising my abs so much.