6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

Hi small peeps,

I'm seeking advice.

Since April, I've lost 6.5 inches off my waist but gained 2.5 pounds. I was 155 in April, I'm 157.5 now.

For reference, I'm someone with dense muscle mass and I'm 5'3".

I started an intensely physical career in April and can notice big changes in my physique. The 6.5 inches that I've lost have made even my tightest jeans start to fall off me. I'm required to burn between 4000-6000 calories a day to meet my objectives. On more relaxed days, we get paid to complete an hour of mandatory fitness. On my days off, I paddleboard and hike. Though I was very active before, this is still a large lifestyle change.
I look and feel leaner. Still a bit of fluff, but am actively trying to lose more fat.

I understand the concept of body recomposition, but this seems like a rapid pace for it. Is this what I'm experiencing? Or should I be concerned about my health due to still being at such a high weight for my height?

Thank you in advance.
@theeverydaykingdom I think you're okay. Your numbers don't sound concerning at all, and your results are what a lot of people aim for! The scale number means nothing when you're active. There are plenty of athletes in the "overweight" category despite looking fantastic. I am 5'3" and I look my best around 150lbs, which is also "overweight" by most charts. But it's the weight that gets me the best results when I compete, so I don't worry about the scale. It's just my body's maintenance weight.

Your numbers sound like your body is shedding the fat and water weight and building up muscle. Your body will keep doing that until you get to a point where it can be maintained. I wouldn't worry about it unless you physically feel bad. If you feel great and energized every day, then you should continue what you're doing and let your body adjust. But if you feel tired and pain, then make some changes to your diet and take more rest/recovery time. (Foam rolling and stretching definitely helps tight and sore muscles!) It sounds like you're okay though!
@theeverydaykingdom Oh wow! Good for you. The world definitely needs you!

Losing over 6” & your tightest jeans being loose now sound like pretty dramatic changes in 4-5 months. I wouldn’t worry about the numbers on the scale.

Worth talking to your doctor, but for you eating enough calories to do your job & be mentally sharp sounds more important than any goals on the scale.
@theeverydaykingdom “Required to burn between 4000-6000 calories a day” for your job? What job?

Not sure anyone here is equipped to answer this as this sounds extremely unusual and if it were me, I’d chat up a physician for advice.
@sweetkf Wildland firefighter.

Wanted to ask here just to see if anyone else has experienced something similar. I have a checkup booked at the end of fire season and am planning on asking my doctor.
@theeverydaykingdom Had a feeling you were going to say firefighter— this doesn’t sound crazy at all for what you’ve been putting your body through. Its been over 5ish months. Definitely enough time to see big changes. And it’s a good sign you’re seeing a recomp instead of big weight loss. You’re fueling your body enough which you need during season!!

Look up healthy weights for very muscular to body builder types for your females your height. You’ll see it’s not that far off from your current weight.

Stay safe out there!!! And good luck with all the changes :)
@theeverydaykingdom What you’re experiencing is totally normal- When I went to boot camp (13 weeks) I didn’t lose any weight but I lost a lot of inches around my mid section. I was stronger, leaner, and healthier. I felt stronger and healthier. No need to worry unless you aren’t eating enough nutrition or feel like you aren’t giving your body time to recover. If you’re young, it will be easier to adapt.

For your activity level, it sounds normal. Lol just make sure when you’re activity levels drop you don’t keep eating at the same rate. Also the more fat you have to lose, the faster the changes will be.

Keep it up, OP! Just listen to your body!
@disciplinedidea Such a similar experience, this is great to read.
Winter is around the corner which means recovery season. Going to keep on taking good care of myself and see where I can take my fitness next. Thank you for your comment and encouragement!
@theeverydaykingdom That does seem to be a LOT off your waist. Is it possible some of it was bloating/water weight before?

I’m your same height, pretty muscular under my pudge, and lost 4” off my waist going from 155lb to 140lb. Took me about 2 years but I wasn’t doing anywhere near the level of activity you are.
@jessephilz My uniform belt holes have consistently went down an inch every two weeks this season. I don't think I was particularly bloated or retaining water beforehand. I've just been required to push my physicality to a level I've never experienced before.

Congratulations on your success as well!
@theeverydaykingdom Regarding health, I’d check with your doctor. Heavier weights do still put stress on your knees and such, but I don’t know that 157 is enough to cause damage at 5’3, especially with all that muscle taking some of the strain off of the joints.

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