7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

My current leg day is :

Unilateral leg press - 2 x 6-8

RDL - 2 x 6-8

Banded leg extensions - 5 x 6-8

Good mornings - 5 x 6 - 8

Calf raises - 6 x 8 - 10

Wrist curls - 6 x 12 - 15

Reverse curls supersetted with wrist curls - 6 x 8 - 10

I haven't tried this leg day yet as I'm used to doing 2 leg days but I had a bad habit of skipping one or the other so I just thought I may put one big leg day a week, how's the volume?

I have noticed growth from very little done for my legs and honestly wouldn't be shocked if I drop the leg extensions and good mornings down to 3 or 2 sets if it doesn't go well with such high sets though would that be enough for growth?
[I assume so considering I often skip for weeks and go up big weight jumps like I went up 20kg on unilateral leg press after not training it for weeks]
@faithfulmommy1821 5 sets of good mornings (assuming they’re actually hard sets) would ruin me for a week, especially if i already did 2 hard sets of RDLs. This workout seems completely made up with no thought behind it
@doks Dude, 5 sets of good mornings would ruin me FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

Since I've learned how to properly hip-hinge, any more than 1 set and I'm brutaly sore for a week.
@confusedgirl98 I was doing SLDL for a while and just not feeling it, plus I have grip issues due to a skin condition so any deadlifiting kinda sucks now. I put in smith machine good mornings about 2 months back and holy shit I feel like I am on the hamstring torture rack. Sore for days.
@doks This is pretty much the answer to 90% of the posts here. Completely scattershot routine with tons of junk volume.

To your point, yeah, hamstrings are so efficiently trained, whether by hip hinge or leg curl machines. I don't know how anyone could do more than one hamstring focused lift in a day.
@doks Yknow what truth be told it is made up with no thought behind it besides smash my legs for one whole day, I do rdls and good mornings on my old Hamstring day and they beat the shit out of my legs so I think I've gotten too worried about volume cause realistically I'm thinking 2 sets for everything but worried it's not enough
@faithfulmommy1821 Eh you're fine with less as long as the sets are high quality. Put the good mornings on a different day and do a couple sets of leg curls. RDL's and good mornings are both very similar being hip hinges so doing both on the same day is redundant.
@faithfulmommy1821 Do you need an entire week to recover from a leg day?

If not, do legs 2x a week. Do a hamstring exercise first. Make at least one of them a hip hinge movement (SLDL, Good Morning). Then do your quad exercise - squat, leg press, hack squat. Then do something else. Lunges, leg extensions, whatever.

Train those exercises hard and you won't need 10 more sets of fluff.
@ray0174 Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!
@undergrace88 Yeah, these stupid fuckers that built my new apartment gym decided that a machine dedicated to glute blasters was more important than leg extensions or leg curls. Oh, we also have a dedicated deadlift machine.
@firebreathingcat108 As the short head of the biceps femorises originates from the femur and inserts on the fibula, wouldn't it argueably not make a difference if it is seated or lying? And in addition, as the lying version puts the other muscles in the hamstrings in a shortend position and thus (I think) less able to produces force wouldn't the lying version be a better accesory to RDLs when going for short head growth?

Dunno, just something I have been thinking about.
@kona5 Iirc. There was a study that showed seated was slightly better than lying.

In reality though, it really does not matter that much. You gym may have 1 but not the other, or it may have both. Use 1 for 6 months and then swap, and repeat