75 soft


New member
Going to start today committing to :
Deficit calories
8k steps at least, 10 k goal
60 oz of water
15 minutes of meditation
At least 30 mins of body movement, preferably 60

Anyone wanna join?
Im 5’1 and 114lbs trying to get back to 109

Post accountability in 75 soft Day1 :)
@shiney77 hell yes I love the title. I am doing that routine already minus the meditation part and deficit. wanna lower calories from maintenance as im aiming to cut 5-7 lbs (from 125, I'm 5'4"). maybe could add a thousand or two steps per day too. joining you!
@shiney77 I'm on day 10 of my own "75 Medium" challenge. I did 75 Hard in the fall. It was great for my mental grit but did not help me establish a long term, sustainable lifestyle.

My version is this:
Follow a diet
20 minutes exercise outside
20 other exercise
Read a physical book
Drink 70oz of water, flavoring allowed

I'm also "allowed" days off if I plan them in advance. I'm going to have cake on my birthday.
@shiney77 May as well do this sugar has been kicking my ass as of late. Idk how I cut sugar completely last year and this year I'm struggling really bad. I need that push to be able to lose those last 10-15 pounds (currently 125) 😭
@shiney77 Ooooh, I like this! My husband did 75 Hard a year or so ago, but I have no desire to do two workouts a day even if I did have the time! This sounds much more doable and sustainable!
@shiney77 We have super similar stats! I was 115 last week aiming for 110, though I binged at the weekend and my weight has shot up to 119 today 😭 (yes I know some of it is water weight, but still super disheartening). I’ve got a whole summer in Bali that I want to look & feel my best for, so I’m back on it today!
@shiney77 I think my BED is a response to trauma I encountered, it gave me some control back in my life coupled with a dopamine hit when I really needed it. But I’m now working hard with someone to try and overcome it! I loooove that saying “direction not perfection”, I’ve not heard it phrased like that before!
@shiney77 I am! I’m working with a nutrition coach since Jan this year, and literally took the first steps this morning and filled in a request form for a therapy service. Definitely need to get my life back!

Good luck with your 75 soft challenge!
@shiney77 Looking forward to striking these out in the evening on the Day 1 post :)

I eased into my 75 soft last week, but here's my goal list:
  • 10K+ steps
  • 45+ min learning new skill
  • Follow 80/20 diet
  • Climb 10+ flights of stairs
  • 15 mins cleaning in the AM
  • 30 mins cleaning in the PM
  • 20 min self-care (skincare, meditating, etc.)
@shiney77 I do this already as part of my lifestyle (started last Jan) and I swear it’s life changing. One hack is that there are some amazing “walking meditations” I love doing on days where I don’t think I can create space to be fully quiet and dedicated to do some of the deeper meditation I like to do. My holistic coach turned me onto them for when I spent the summer at the beach and I find them so grounding. A nice combo.
@shiney77 I’ve tried 75 hard a few times and kept failing around the 20-30 days mark. The two daily exercises really adds up! Love the idea of doing 75 soft.
@shiney77 I want to join as well lol. But I'm going to sub 10 pages for 2 hrs for learning something/expand what i learned.45 mins of indoor workout because i suffer from allergies, it's triggered by exercise and incase i have a tough time I'll just sleep it out, and 3l of water :). Also 4/3 IF.