75 soft

@lamarhourglass Same, plan is to stick to around 1750 (im 180lbs and thatā€™s what the Lose It! App has for me rn) cals 6 days out the week. Also my goal is more of 90 minutes of exercise cause Iā€™m in college full time and I canā€™t always guranyee Iā€™ll have 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. For example tomorrow morning Iā€™ll do 30 minutes cardio before work, drive home back to college an hr and then a 75minute + workout with my bf in the evening! Best of luck to you :)
@seawolf1957 that sounds great!!! and yes, thatā€™s the same case for me so iā€™m considering my walk to the gym as my ā€œoutside workoutā€ since itā€™s on an incline and then however long iā€™m at the gym will be my second workout. best of luck to you as well :)
@shiney77 Iā€™m same stats as you! 5ā€™1ā€ hovering at 113-116 and goal of 108-110lb what does your maintenance calories and then deficit look like for you? Iā€™m maintaining at 1600 so for me to cut I think I need to get calories higher first. I would love to cut at 1500. I already get my water in, strength train daily and walk 10k steps daily. No alcohol no sugar. I get my sleep too :)
@savedbyamazinggrace Unfortunately to lose weight i have to get down ton1300-1400 cals. This is what triggers my binges. I have been doing a lot of hit so my goal is to focus more on steps , weights and yoga and aim for 1400-1500 cals a day
@shiney77 Same. It feels like I have a whole in me and need to eat. So Iā€™ve read a lot that too much cardio can signal the body to actually become more efficient by lowering metabolism and paring down muscle.
@shiney77 So Iā€™m strength training and walking incline and trying for more NEAT in my day. I was running didnā€™t get fat loss form it but got heart rate down cardio mental clarity peace from it. When the weather warms up will add some running back in for same reasons and maybe itā€™ll trigger some fat loss too?
If is confusing