75 soft


New member
Going to start today committing to :
Deficit calories
8k steps at least, 10 k goal
60 oz of water
15 minutes of meditation
At least 30 mins of body movement, preferably 60

Anyone wanna join?
Im 5’1 and 114lbs trying to get back to 109
@shiney77 I'd love to join!! I haven't weighed myself out of fear since the holidays and a horrible, horrible January lol, but if that doesn't bother you (EVENTUALLY I'll work up the courage to weigh myself, I promise), I'd love to join. I recently got a gig that's 12 or more hours a day, but I make up for it on the weekends if I'm unable to hit my step goal (and I still hit at minimum 6k) throughout the week. My preferred goal is 15k but my gig is sedentary :/ I'm also 5'1 and in early December I was 107 but I'm almost positive I'm much, much heavier. It was a BAD January lmao.