7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

@geneva I actually did some walking in the past, but stopped because of some douchebag in the street laughing at me because my appearance.People say that I should just ignore it but for me i cant ignore that when bunch of people laugh and whispering to the their friends while looking at me.i just couldn't stop the negative thinking of what someone thought about me.
@albatro55 I think your expectations for yourself are too high. It’s heartbreaking but you have to let go of them and think about/enjoy the process more. The results will come. Also in my experience focusing solely on aesthetics and working out from a place of self-hatred only made things worse physically and mentally. I gained more weight, got injured more frequently, and lost my mental ability to do the things I needed to do. Slow down there.
@albatro55 I'm 18 and 5'0. Shorter and more pathetic. Been doing weighted calisthenics for 8 months now and I've been feeling better looking at myself. Bodybuilding though is a game of patience. Work hard and with time, effort, and sacrifice towards the right direction you WILL see results. Keep working hard, kid. It's fine if you don't have the motivation nor the discipline, just keep pushing through. The pure practice of lifting itself will teach you to be disciplined and that'll make you more confident in yourself (other than a better physique)
@albatro55 Young man, just make ACTUAL real world sustainable goals and integrate it into your lifestyle. It’ll take you 6-8 weeks to notice a difference, it’ll take 12-18 weeks for other people to notice. 36+ weeks and you can start looking like a different person, but god damn make the fitness sustainable, consistent and don’t injure yourself.
@albatro55 YO, OP

It's not just about doing a specific exercise, but HOW you do it.

Incline Pushups 7x5 at a standard cadence hit ALOT different than

Incline Pushups 7x5 done with 3 second lowering phase, 3 second isometric hold at bottom, then EXPLOSIVE pushing phase...this will turn you into a beast.


If you get rid of counting number of reps per set and INSTEAD focus on just doing reps UNTIL FAILURE per set, you'll trigger more hypertrophy and build more muscle(and strength).
@albatro55 Yep, failure breaks the muscle down, builds that lactid acid, pumps blood into that muscle, and tells the muscle being worked


(shout-out to the legend CT Fletcher and Arnold)
@albatro55 easiest method is to do a program like 68000HeartOnFire said.

I recommend push / pull / leg then rest then repeat. But if you want to go VERY basic, then I recommend bench / deadlift / squat then rest (these exercises together will target practically every group in some way.

Also, be nicer to yourself my man. Confidence is key, so tell yourself that if you put in the work, before you know it you'll be in the shape you're looking to be in.
@albatro55 I've never once wanted to make friends with someone because of what they looked like. You want to talk to someone, socialize, have friends? Start on the inside. Yes, that includes taking care of your physical health, there's certainly a connection between your body and mind. But most importantly, don't say shit like "I'm a whiny bitch" every again. Absolutely nobody is going to find that attractive or interesting.
@albatro55 i remember being skinny years years ago and one exercise did it for me.. I just did push ups every morning and night. I started off doing 20x5 reps twice daily and then progressed to 30x10 and eventually i was doing 1000 push-ups twice daily.

It took less than 2 months for the gains to be noticeable to me and everyone around me. And all i did was crank those push-ups, drink milk and rest/sleep.
@albatro55 It sounds like you want to see the most results for the minimum amount of work. If that's your goal (and I'm not trying to talk you out of it), I'd focus on bulking up your chest, shoulders, and traps.
@albatro55 Work your whole body with push ups pull ups chin ups sit ups supermans bulgarian split squats and bodyweight calf raises... Remember slower reps aka time under tension builds more muscle than fast reps. Dont train the same muscle every day 2 to 3 times a week per muscle group is plenty. Do about 3 to 4 sets per muscle group with 1 minute rest in between. 8 to 20 reps per set is ideal. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day and make sure you eat enough calories and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
Tbh i really want to see the result really quick ( im being really honest here)i know i sound a like whiny bitch who want everything instant, but i decided that i want to see the better version of myself I want to talk to someone, i want to socialize, i want to have friends i know this isnt related to fitness but im guideline rule 3 said that i have to speak my mind(well tbh idk what that mean).

You sound like sarmsgirl over at tiktok: "I don't wanna wait, I'm impatient" It takes time if you want to do it naturally. You need to exercise properly, and be on point with your diet. You are .1 point away from being overweight. So doing bodyweight or going to the gym isn't suddenly going to make you shredded. Healthy way is to make sure you cut your calories by 500 a day, to loose about a 1 pound a week.

You aren't going to see anything doing 75 push ups a day. You need to do more then just pushups, that will only hit your chest. People have recommended following a bodyweight program to build your entire body if you want to look good all around. You can go to the gym too. But again, it's all about the diet.

i want to socialize, i want to have friends i know this isnt related to fitness but im guideline rule 3 said that i have to speak my mind(well tbh idk what that mean).

I know you think oh if u have a good body people will love you or want to be friends with you more, they won't.
@albatro55 Ok I'm probably gonna give the lamest answer, but I recommend downloading the "Home Workout - No Equipment" app by Leap Fitness Group and do the 7x4 full body challenge. It'll give you multiple workouts to do and the difficulty can be lowered and raised if you are struggling too much. You can do them almost daily just make sure to rest if your muscles are sore in the area of your body it wants you to work.

I think that app is a good place to get into working out since that is where I kinda started. Try it out, it is pretty easy to understand. There are probably better apps out there, but that one is just pretty easy to use.