A ~3.5 year fitness journey from off the fitness wagon altogether, to runner, to lifter

@johnmike Looking great!
Congrats on your wedding!

I don’t think that you should worry too much about the food if you mainly train for health because I feel like you eat clean already and most of the things you eat are home cooked. Now, if you want a more defined look then yes, being more specific matters.

Does your husband know about nutrition ? I mean, he can still cook amazing stuff while using healthier ingredients (if that isn’t already the case)

You ve been lifting for 3 years of just working out generally ?
@dawn16 I agree about worrying about food, but I really should cut some fat. I got a DEXA scan done early this year that said I was about 31% fat. I think I've made some progress since then, but mainly need to prioritize my nutrition more on the weekends.

My husband also works out a lot but has a very difficult time keeping weight on, so when he cooks he gravitates toward very calorie dense meals. I often make my own healthier versions/sides/ etc, but sometimes it is very difficult to step away from the amazing smelling creamy pasta and garlic bread haha.

I've been lifting for about a year and a half, the 3 years covers when my first picture was taken. :)
@johnmike Looking incredible for 1+ year of weights!

Hmm if the dexa scab was done almost a year Ago, you need a new one

For the husband, maybe he can put the sauce on the side ? Or keep the super caloric stuff for snacks (smoothies/nuts etc) so you are less tempted .
Eat a big bowl of veggies with all your main meals before eating the carbs. So :except before and right after your workout, eat protein+ veggies first then the fat then carbs to finish.
@chosenmessenger I didn't mean to say that I wasn't calorie counting, I'm just not very disciplined in sticking to my macros/calories, especially on the weekends. I need to work on it. Like @polcat said though, I naturally started dropping weight when I was running for 1-2 hours+ 6 days a week.
@chosenmessenger That picture is at the end of the marathon cycle so i'm gonna guess it wasn't specifically intended before lifting (as she says the lifting switch was more like being burnt out on running), so the physique is just the typical result of long distance running. Much as I love my food once you start smashing the miles in training it doesn't half help you shed weight! Difference is crazy.