A stranger corrected my form at the gym

@lovemachine It's nothing like explaining the fucking cinema. People have died, and regularly get forever injuries by doing things wrong in the gym. Nobody is risking a broken neck by misquoting a Harry Potter film. The audacity to call this person a clown after making the dumbest comparison I've ever read is mind blowing

I hope you seriously injure yourself in the gym. That way you learn from your idiotic douchery (since you seem entirely uninterested in learning via the helpful people at the gym) and at the same time, you open a spot in the gym for someone who isnt a miserable prick.

It's a win for everyone.

Tldr: morons in the gym are a danger to everyone.
@lovemachine Do you physically injure your body when you don't understand the plot, themes, or symbolism in your movie, though?

I'll also make the assumption, based on how OP said the encounter went, that if you just left your headphones on, shook your head no, and didn't respond to a nice person that was offering to show you how to not hurt yourself, they'd just walk away and hope you are ok. That's what nice people do, is respect your no while still trying to offer help when you are clearly doing something that can hurt you.

If you aren't ok with a person approaching you, and them respecting your no, then you're right, being alone by yourself probably is better for everybody. People approaching you happens in all aspects of life though, not just the gym. Learning how to politely refuse a person is a skill to have a life, and one it seems you might need to exercise.
@lovemachine Saw some people being assholes to and just wanna say I feel the same way. I stopped going to the gym after I had multiple people come up to me to try and correct me on my form. What was frustrating was that some of those times, I'd know my form was bad; I would be trying one more extra rep than I should have -- and I knew that! I didn't need someone to come up to me and give me a goddamn lecture on form. Other times I knew my form was not as bad as some of the absolutely atrocious forms of others around me, yet people still felt like bugging me than others.

After this happened several times, I stopped going to the gym, even though I had a membership for another six months. It felt awful knowing people were watching me every time I lifted, judging me.

Ended up getting a squat rack for my apartment and it was a much better experience.