A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)


New member
So first, I made a progress video covering the past year from the end of last year to now. Here's the video:

Brief synopsis:
  • Bodyweight: 180 to 200lbs
  • Handstand: 5s to 32s
  • Front-lever: 10s open tuck to a 10s 1-leg extended max hold
  • Back-lever: 2s straddle to a 10s straddle and about 5s full hold (not perfect form though)
  • Weighted-pull-up: +90x3 to 110x3 (95x1 to 130x1)
  • Weighted-dips: +75x5 -> 95x5
  • Estimated Powerlifting Total: 900lbs to 1160lbs
    • Bench from 205x1 to 205x7 (I don't train bench either)
    • Squat from 315x1 to 315x6 (was inconsistent with my squat training for the longest time until I started 5/3/1 this fall)
    • Deadlift from 325x5 to 405x5 (my most consistently trained powerlift. I love deadlifting).
  • I strained my hamstring which put me out of leg stuff for 6 weeks in August. Lesson: don't do stretches you're not ready for. Progress slowly. I tried a loaded split stretch I simply wasn't ready for and paid for it.
  • I went through a brief period where my right shoulder was impinged. Lesson: I was doing too much internally rotated and too much pushing. Quickly after adding a good amount of pulling and external rotation work this was resolved.
  • I got wrist extensor tendonitis (not diagnosed, but my symptoms and recovery methods matched). I was working front-handsprings, olympic lifts, and handstand work simultaneously and my wrist ligaments were not getting anywhere near enough recovery time. Lesson: always do wrist mobility work and don't go on them every single day unless you're 100% sure you can handle it.
My programming was mostly DUP with my lower-body days separated from my upper-body days (2 days a week lower and lower stretching, 3 days a week upper and upper stretching). For lower-body I've been using 5/3/1 programming and it's worked like a charm (5+ day starting out was 335 deads for 8, 255 squats for 11. On my 3rd 5/3/1 cycle my deads hit 365x11 and my squats 300x11).

For the upper body I've followed Overcoming Gravity for my programming. I won't say much about the routine because it varies depending on the trainee's size, strength levels, and how quick they adapt.

I also ran PPL for about 2 months this year, ate a shit load, gained some size, it worked well. But mostly I like DUP because of the higher frequency.

The lifts and skills I focused on most this year were:
  • Overhead press
  • Weighted pull-up
  • Front-lever
  • Planche (made shit progress, just learning now how to train it and what works for me)
  • Deadlift
From here on out I'm focusing on the following:
  • Front lever and planche working a lot of static holds along with brute strength building through weighted push-ups, weighted dips and OHP, front lever rows, and weighted pull-ups.
  • OAC
  • HSPU through overhead press and decline pike push-ups
  • Getting a 500lb deadlift and a 405lb squat (also 3 plates on bench press would be neat without strictly training it).
If you have any questions feel free to ask, I love talking about this stuff. Sorry for the novel :p
@von20207777 Piked inverted hang straight to full BL is always so beautiful. Your progress is great! The combination of weightlifting and BWF made you super strong. Good work on the tuck planche on the rings... and the one leg FL... i'm on that same level as you for both! (We internet bros!)
@fromgenesistorevelation Thanks Antranik :D. I love the transition of that move, when the unfold is done it just looks and feels so smooth.

Yeah, I think I picked the two best disciplines for upper and lower body strength. I'd like to do weightlifting at some point, but it would require a lot more dedication than the two days a week I put towards lower body now. I do some snatch and clean technique work occasionally, but life is long, plenty of time to try different movement disciplines :).

We're gonna beast that front lever and planche!
@aywo I'll pick it up sometime soon, cleans still aggravate my wrist slightly so mostly snatching. One thing I've done is a lot of hang snatches.
@von20207777 Great progress! 2 quick things with your powerlifting.

It looks like your rounding your upper back during deadlifts. Make sure you keep you upper back tight getting into the initial pull. I destroyed my mid thoracic by not locking my upper back down tightly before pulling.

During your Squat you hinge. Your butt comes up then your back comes up. Work on making it a single fluid movement.
@yentlwoman Thank you very much! I'm working on both of those things in each movement. Trying some new deadlift cues and strengthening my quads so my hips don't rise in the squat.
@aywo 201∞

Just kidding. As soon as possible, that press negative was the 2nd or 3rd day back to training handstands after 2 months off because of the wrist and I had kinda lost the muscle memory I got for proper head position. I'm working on it, lost it in that hold though obviously.
@deborah123 Thanks /@deborah123!! Hope to provide some more good stuff a year from now :p. The straddle (and maybe full) front lever and advanced tuck Planche are going to be achieved this year.
@rea Thank you so very much!! Means a lot.

Right now:
  • Sunday - rest/walk
  • Monday - Light upper and upper mobility
  • Tuesday - 5/3/1 Squat and lower mobility
  • Wednesday - Medium upper and upper mobility
  • Thursday - rest/walk
  • Friday - Heavy upper and upper mobility
  • Saturday - deadlift and lower mobility
I spend probably 10-15 hours training a week. I'd like to do more to address some weak points but I'm trying to do well in school, optimally recover, maintain my relationship and social life, etc. I am happy with my current progress however. I'll probably stay on this schedule for the foreseeable future.