A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

@von20207777 no problem man! Your progress actually kind of blew my mind because I was like wait... "this is that same guy from NC State who posted here last time lmao."

Also, can you expand a bit more on your wrist extensor injury and how you dealt with it? I'm currently going through the same process and am unsure if I should cease any activity involving the affected wrist; or if I should continue exercises that don't cause pain?
@lpj Preface by saying I'm not a doctor... but for me, what helped was massaging the area and around it, contrast bath (hot water and icy water 30s each for 10 minutes), ibueprofen, mobility work (light and increasing intensity as pain went away), and in general not doing stuff (like handstands) that hurt it anymore.

Took two months but I'm doing a couple handstands per session now and don't have pain almost at all anymore (only a little bit of tightness). I picked up a pair of strength wraps (wrist wraps) and they seem to help.

And thanks again :). It's crazy to look back and see it in perspective...
@von20207777 Nice progress, I'm also trying to fit weight with BW (with focus on the second) and splitting lower (2 days) and upper (3 days alternating push and pull) part, how long do your workout usually last? I've found myself spending more time in the gym now that I try to mix the two.
@keala Each day is 2 hours usually (more depending on how much I talk) including mobility.

Thanks :)! If you enjoy it, cut what's unnecessary (I cut a lot of Reddit time hahaha) and focus on what you want.

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