Accepting truth


New member
I feel like whether people want to believe it or not, going vegan/vegetarian is honestly scientifically proven to be the best way for our lifestyle.

I just don't see why people don't want to accept that fact.

What are some reasons as to why people can't accept the truth about meat?

It would be great to hear everyone's opinion on it, comment up‼️💯
@posthlewait3 How difficult would you find it accepting their arguments that their lifestyle is the "right" one? Probably really quite hard, if not impossible. That's the answer. People find it extremely difficult to change behaviour, especially habitual or long standing behaviour. Especially especially if they are in a defensive position and really especially especially if that position is the norm and not the exception like veganism is.

Whenever you try and understand why hitting someone with your facts doesn't make them change their minds and renounce steaks and cheese, try and imagine if it were the other way around. What started your journey? Probably not someone arguing with you that your current lifestyle is wrong. And even if it did, did you turn around to them and say "damn, you are right, I was wrong I will never consume an animal product again starting now!". Or is it more likely that if you had a conversation in a non confrontational open way that it might sew a seed of an idea in that person. They then might go home and watch some documentaries, try some new foods out, read labels a bit more and make some different choices. Their journey has begun and just because it isn't all carried out under the glare of a disapproving level 7 vegan doesn't make it any less valid.

I get that waiting for the world to wake up is hard. I'm the same with waste, over consumption, climate stuff and god forbid you put the wrong thing in your recycling bin while I'm there! But spouting facts at people just makes them defensive and turn off. It's frustrating but if we want to advocate effectively then we need to be better at effecting behaviour change in others than we are now as a community I think
@posthlewait3 Absolutely, it's so hard to be so unthreatening and reasonable in the face of aggressive carnivores. Realistically though, if people are going at it to be aggressive in the first place, they are in it for the argument, not the fundamental point. You can't argue with stupid, don't waste your effort and energy on those people. Make fabulous vegan food for everyone else to enjoy and show them what they are missing. Make them the minority and they will be uncomfortable and maybe consider change in their own comfort zone in their own time. Remember, other people's journeys are not things you can control, just your own actions. I choose to share veganism through cake, no one feels threatened by a nice bit of Victoria sponge..... Unless you are on a diet 🤣
@hand_of_grace I think when you really talk to them about it, you find most people do feel bad about what farm animals go through. The issue is that their comfort is more important to them...