Accepting truth

@posthlewait3 Vegan and vegetarian aren’t the same thing. Not all vegans eat healthy either. I don’t consider myself vegan, but I don’t eat (or drink) products that are derived from animals. It’s not that I don’t care about animals… it’s just that I care more about my health and the environment. Some people don’t care about their bodies or the environment. Especially the ‘type’ that believes the world is ending anyway and a mythical sky creature is going to “save” them from this existence. You can’t change that mentality. Stop trying.
@dawn16 Its not really me trying to convince them, it’s more like them trying to convince me that I need meat in my system, when I’ve been on raw fruit, and veggie diets for 7 day periods and proved to myself that I actually don’t.
@posthlewait3 Stop telling them your vegan. Honestly, how will they know if you don’t tell them?
I suppose somebody on Reddit could probably figure out who I am IRL, but I don’t routinely talk or engage with other like-minded people outside of my family for that reason. K.I.S.S..
Talk about the weather, talk about trips you’re planning on taking, a new shop opening up… never discuss religion, politics or diet unless you are seeking conflict. That’s my take. I do understand how frustrating it is. But just ignore it.
@posthlewait3 I dont believe you at all. I eat mostly plants and no ones ever approached me about it. Sometimes they say nice salad. Your just looking for a confrontation and your going to get a confrontation talking about food religion or politics.
@posthlewait3 I find it funny a lot of passionate young people who want to save the world dont care about meats carbon footprint. They say the same thing boomers say: bacon and cheese. They don't care, they just want to pretend they care. But they don't want to lose convenience
@posthlewait3 No one actually wants to change their mind and most only seek out and accept information that confirms their bias. Why do you think there are antivaxxers? For an example imagine if irrefutable research came out showing that veganism is bad for your health. Do you think most vegans would accept this or blindly disagree?
@authorrobsigmon There’s actually research that proves veganism is associated with slow wound healing.
When I had a surgery, I can attest to experiencing exactly what they said I would. If I have to do it again (and I will eventually) I will be a bit more open to the idea of using something I wouldn’t otherwise use just to NOT have to endure that again.
@posthlewait3 The whole issue about nutrition is that there’s not a “one size fits all” solution. There’s data that it can be healthy for many people, but there’s also lots of data to say that animal by products are healthy, too.
@posthlewait3 Some people have multiple allergies/food intolerances and don’t want to make their lives even harder by adding another vast dietary restriction. I’m plant-based with zero food allergies myself but I’ve worked in restaurants for several years and some people truly are seemingly allergic to everything. I’ve had guests who are allergic to gluten, several fruits and vegetables, soy, nuts, etc. What exactly are they supposed to eat if they go vegan? How are they supposed to navigate eating out at restaurants and other social settings? Just something to think about.
@ailanthus777 My friend has this issue. Not allergic, but intolerant to gluten, lactose and fructose. That rules out a hell of a lot of fruit and veg. She basically lives off steak and potatoes!
@ailanthus777 I am upvoting you there are alot of self righteous people in this group that like to speak on behalf of everyone and tell people that their experience are wrong . Its disgusting. They dont take into account others peoples struggles.