Accepting truth

@posthlewait3 I think we incorrectly assume that people’s actions are a reflection of their beliefs. While true in some circumstances, I find that the opposite is more frequently true: that people’s beliefs follow their actions. If you’ve been raised eating meat and continue to eat meat, it’s much easier psychologically to justify your choice. Believing the opposite leads to the unpleasant conclusion that you have been acting unethically and have caused countless harms. That’s why I think the easiest way to “convert” someone is through baby steps. If you can get them to eat less and less meat, their beliefs will often follow.
@posthlewait3 A lot of people won’t tell you but have backgrounds of hate/ridicule.

Like my mother for instance hated all the hippies during Woodstock era and thought they were pieces of shit. She said they were dumb and being vegetarian or an environmentalist was stupid and was ruining the country.

She actively will blame environmentalists for a lot of stuff.

So she has this inborn hatred for vegans because they remind her of the stupid hippies.

Even my brother will let loose a few hate comments at me on the regular. Like on of them is that vegans don’t wear deodorant. So there is more at play than just “stubborn”. Some people are reallly far programmed through their childhoods to have been really pro agriculture.

Most of my family members think the correct way to live is to have a small farm and slaughter their own cows for food.

I just think that’s dumb.
Another thing is all the marketing.
Milk for strong bones, high protein for muscles. All these kinds of things that are marketed super hard and intensely have an enormous impact on the brain.
It depends on the reason, I mean I’m trying to go vegan due to religious reasons as well as health reasons, so I honestly wouldn’t believe it no matter what simply because nothing has really happened to me when I cut meat out of my lifestyle
@posthlewait3 It's different for everyone but I do think a lot of it is food addiction. It's so hard to break away from things you've been eating for the majority of your life, especially if you are sheltered(which many people are). I think it's especially hard for those with eating disorders....