Adding b3, Vit E, Selenium and Zinc to diet

Hi all,

I recently got into the world of nutrition in preparation for being vegan when the gyms open and wow it's actually pretty cool!

I whipped up a really good base of foods that gets me nearly all my vitamins/minerals for like 1050 cals + 88g of protein (like after really sitting down and looking at stuff, people are really fking stupid when they say vegans can't get protein. It's ridiculously easy). I'm quite proud of myself for making this considering how shitty I was eating before :) like wow I wouldn't get shit for nutrients. Just fat and a shit ton of sodium and calories.

Right now I'm cutting since I'm on my ass all day while not working atm and I'm tired of how I look. I will eventually be bulking a bit once the gyms are safe to go to, adding an extra ~50g of protein alongside this base. I have a shit ton of wiggle room, feels nice. I'll be able to kinda pig out hehe.

My question is, my little base is nearly perfect. I just need a bit of B3, a good bit of Vit E, Selenium and Zinc. What do y'all recommend I add to cover these little holes? I see that nuts would do nicely but I'm not sure which nuts (pls dont say it)
@fallenangelxxunbreakable I get 246% of the daily recommended amount of B3 from whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta.

I get 95% of Vitamin E DRA from whole wheat bread, broccoli and carrots, chickpeas and whole wheat pasta,

I get 504% of DRA of selenium from whole wheat pasta, oats, whole wheat bread.

I get 261% of DRA of Zinc from oats, whole wheat pasta, beans, chickpeas and whole wheat bread.
@fallenangelxxunbreakable B3: yeast flakes

Selenium : 1 brazil nut/day

zinc: legumes, especially lentils

vit. E : not sure, I am struggling myself to hit the RDA, I feel like thats especially hard when going down the low fat route. Sunflower seeds have quite a bit of it.
@mcpp321 Sunflowers are not just part of your garden, they’re part of a nation! The Ukraine use the sunflower as their national flower. Whilst in Kansas they chose the sunflower to represent their state.