Advice: Can one do ab workouts while fasting?

Hi, so as title says, I’m currently fasting everyday till 12pm due to religious reasons. I’m 19 y/o, F, 120-125lbs(55/56kg), 5’4 and had only just started working out again last week, it felt great and my body was getting used to it all again. I decided to start w ab workouts as I know I can’t really build muscle w my diet while living at home w parents so I’m waiting to go back to college to focus on my eventual goals.

We started fasting on Saturday and I’ve still been trying to do my workouts… but because I’ve not really been eating a lot even when we break the fast, I don’t feel very energetic and it feels like I’ll just be losing weight in areas I don’t want to lose weight in. The most I eat is some heavy carbohydrate/protein meal for dinner, (around 7pm) the fast is broken w something like cereal/bread. So basically breakfast is lunch.
@brogodlovemensah I fast during Ramadan which is like 14+ hours and still workout. This consists of not eating or drinking during the day. It’s all just mental. Don’t take your workouts too extreme.
@mavarick1 the worry I have is that I’ll lose weight where I don’t want to regardless of how less intense the workouts are, I’m already a slim person and I have no fat to burn in my opinion, last time I unintentionally lost weight, I removed from my glutes and from my muscles in my bust- I don’t want to intentionally lose weight now
@brogodlovemensah My goal is body recomposition. I’ve lost about 90 lbs over the last 2 years from 260-170 ish. I still have some belly fat I’m trying to trim down so fasting helps keep me in a calorie deficit and control my eating.