I want bigger legs and I want your advice

@fish3rofm3n Single leg work helps. Lunges, step ups, split squats, Bulgarian split squats, pistol squats. Dumbbells can work with goblet squats, deadlifts, RDLs. Also isometric work with glute bridges and/or wall sits. Can even superset any with box jumps, broad jumps, or any lift listed above. Invest in different resistant bands/kettlebells/barbells if you can, understand your RPE, get creative, get big.
@fish3rofm3n I will tell my personal story, have no idea if it applies to you. Be me 190cm 95 kgs. Years of water polo and pull ups and push ups. Very nice development in chest and back, mediocre arm development, legs like sticks. I stop waterpolo because uni, start with gym. Im doing a three day split maybe 5-6 days a week. Starting point in lifting was 100 kg bench, +30kg pull.ups. squats maybe 80 kgs. So you get i am really weak in legs and really skinny. After a year with minor improvements covid hits, while i had just been able to get some booty gains. Was afraid that i will lose them again fast. Then i begin bw programms for legs. It was the fastest my leg grew. Strengthwise not much but they doubled. No weighta no pistols. The concept of the program i have followed the past two years is this. I start with the easiest exercises in huge sets to pre fatigue the muscles. 3x20 each leg lunges 3x40 bw squats. Then after my legs are on fire i do the same movements explosively 3x8 each leg lung jumps 3x15 each leg jump squats. Finally i finish with 4x15 each leg bulgarian split squats. The best leg program ever.
Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60s between sets 2-3 minutes between exercises.

As far as strength in legs no weight means no strength. But for mass check a cyclist
3x20 each leg lunges 3x40 bw squats. Then after my legs are on fire i do the same movements explosively 3x8 each leg lung jumps 3x15 each leg jump squats. Finally i finish with 4x15 each leg bulgarian split squats. The best leg program ever.

So completely bodyweight?
@timb2020 Also these worked for me and it could happen because i had a fair amount of weight, especially on upper body, so bw was enough kg for me. If somebody is skinny or has more weight in its lower body he may see no such results.
@fish3rofm3n If you’ve got the genetics, you’re legs will grow. If you’re like most of us, put some weight on a bar and squat, everyday. Bulgarians are great, and very healthy, but things like that won’t add a lot of weight to your frame. There really is something about picking up something heavy, and moving it, that your body responds to. One leg at a time won’t cut it. I know, stress is stress, your body can’t tell. But after years in the game, I know this to be false. If you want wheels, and it coming naturally, pick up a bar and squat.
@fish3rofm3n Staddle a workout bench and squat with barbell, when top of thighs just touch bench come back up but don't lock your knees out. Continuous tension, this way won't build big ass by going too low. Load that bar up decent once squat-fit. Got this tip from the great one - Arnie.
@fish3rofm3n 10 minutes jump rope
20 jump squats
20 lunge jumps
30 sec against the wall
20 side to side jumps
20 sumo jumps
20 side lunges

Goblet squats 30 16kg
Lunges 40
Deadlift 40 20kg
Swings 50 20kg

This got me big legs once a week
@fish3rofm3n You ever heard of those adjustable bow flex dumbbells? Well I bought cheaper ones that are blue by Nordic Track. Forget the smelly, ego filled gyms. These things changed my life. Never had a mind to pectoral connection until I had these at home and a fold up bench and used them eeeeveryday until I finally felt the swell. Hoped this helped, good luck!