Advice for a friend


New member
Always get great advice here. I love my kettlebell training and a friend of mine wants to take it up.
He is a 56 year old male, fit all his life (cycling, skiing and manual work e.g. digging and construction work). He has asked me for advice on starting kb training.
I myself started with Pavel and now use mostly Geoff Neupert programming.
This man is like myself and will follow a programme to the letter and try and optimise every aspect.
Any recommendations to which training programme he should follow.? I will give him instruction on how to perform the exercises correctly.
His focus is strength gain.
Much appreciated for any help tendered.
@whitney5388 Advise him on what you started with! Pavel's S&S or Geoff's The Giant are both great starting points.

If I had to pick between the two, S&S is the better place to start. Understanding the swing is key to kettlebells- everything connects to that hip hinge movement. Cleans use the hip hinge, and you don't want him getting injured doing cleans wrong.

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