Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

@delizzle Eat lean meat & veggies and brown rice a lot! Eggs with protein and veggies in the morning. Add some protein shakes for snacks.

Then do squats and deadlifts for lowerbody. Do pullups, bench and shoulder press for upperbody. Get 8-10 hours of sleep.

Drink lots of water.
@delizzle Have to agree with most of the comments, eat eat eat, lift heavy til failure. I have been underweight all my life 40 months ago I woke up and said enough is enough, 6 days a week in gym no excuses, eat anything and everything as often as I can, have put on 4st since and still not giving up. Slow and steady wins the race. Legs are a must, so much unused weight potential there people do not realise.
@delizzle Try some high calorie boost drinks , the help maintain or gain weight.. and workout, dnt skip legs that seems to be the norm lol. You can start simple , jus doing 20-100 pushs daily , and do the same with squats but atleast do 50-200 squats , and do toe raises. But at some point a gym would help you progress , but consistency is key.
@delizzle Diet is the most important thing, if you skinny you can afford to eat basically as much as you can take and up your appetite over time. Lift heavy and often, avoid cardio if your goal is to gain muscle and size.
@delizzle Start using macrofactor or nutritionix to track your calories and foods.

Eat healthy and lean foods and sprinkle in some decent carbs and vegetables, and 3-4 protein shakes a day. Dont go to far over.

For reference what you want to do is weigh yourself either before you eat more than a breakfast bar or have a cup or two of what. Preferably right when you wake up either naked or in your underwear.

Then you want to check every day or couple days but really only take the difference between one week of days.

So compare two points, tuesday to Tuesday and Friday to friday.

Keep track of your progress with some kind of tracker like a gym app

If you are under or over what you were from last week, take that number. Lets say. A half pound.

So 0.5 x 3500 = 1750

If you gained, take 1750 calories and divide it by 7 days then subtract it from your daily calories. That will give you your maintenance calories for those days of the week before. If you keep everything pretty similar or once you get the hang of it and know about what you did day by day. Which days you ran or rode a bike or worked 10 hours instead of 7.

Likewise if you lost weight take , for example, a half pound, 1750 calories, and divide by 7 and add that number to your daily calories that week with respect to your activity levels and how they adjust week to week.

Nothing stays 100 percent the same there are alot of variables in life but the more you build this as a skill and learn the better and more knowledgeable you get and you will start being able to work it and know what you are doing.

3500 cal is a pound , 1750 is half a pound.

Your gonna want to find your maintenance calories and then add like 300-500 calories a day until you hit your target weight. Then you either cut up to 10% of your weight and bulk again or just maintain and maingain. Gotta get that protein and carbs tho for sure. And some fat.

Heres a book on dieting : The Renaissance Diet 2.0: Your Scientific Guide to Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, and Performance

And a free article on cuts and bulks -

Macrofactor -

Rp diet app -

Boost camp workout app -

Jeff nippard progams -
@delizzle Start eating eating meals 4 times a day and do constant workouts. Once you start gaining weight then start eating less and keep building up muscle. Me personally Im a builder. Once you build muscle and weight then start doing cardio.