Advice for vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients for stronger immune system


New member
Hi guys,

I need your advice on Vitamins and Minerals.

I have been vegan for more than 3 years now and I am super happy about it.

The only thing is that I noticed that my immune system has not been so strong the past few months. Since moving to Scandinavia 2 months ago, I have been sick (mild to strong cold) 3 times and injured once during my workouts.

I know that my diet has not been super clean but it hasn't been so bad either. I bought the vegan multivitamin in the picture, and I am looking into more supplements to help me boost my immune system and start thriving again.

Any advice? Which vitamin/minerals/micro nutrient are missing from the multi?

Any other suggestion?
  1. Go to a doctor or lab and get a blood test. Best way to know if you have any deficiencies.
  2. Vitamin D is the standard answer, especially in northern climates. Doesn't hurt to start taking that and then go from there.
Other than that, washing your hands, sleeping well, eating well in general.

I often get sick in new places, that might be part of it.
@dubschanging Her "symptoms" absolutely do not warrant a blood test lmao. This growing culture of encouraging everyone to get blood test even if they are perfectly healthy is so annoying.

Vitamin D is the standard answer, especially in northern climates. Doesn't hurt to start taking that and then go from there.

Assuming she is in the sun for less than 30 min a day on average then yeah, why not.
@dubschanging I had a blood test last year and everything was perfect! I think I need to plan my diet and supps better and I'll be fine. That's why I asked specifically for the supplements
@alexsad i added spirulina to my diet when I went vegan to keep my immune system up since it has a good amount of vitamin C, antioxidants, and protein. the only thing is that it can taste absolutely rancid if you just get the powder spirulina from the store, but i found this premade drink called FUL that gets rid of that fishy/gross taste associated with spirulina
@alexsad 2,000 IU of D3 and 1,000 mcg of B12...and if you still aren't feeling great, bloodwork to test your levels. Turns out I need shots of B12, for some reason just don't absorb it. Works wonders.
@alexsad Looks decent. But tbh I don't understand why it has 300% of recommended of some and only 30% of other. F.e. Iodium is something that easily lacks in vegan diet and could be 100%