Advice on supplements and wellbeing


New member

Just wanted some advice and wanted to pick all your brains!

Im a 41M and want know the best supplements to have to keep training, prevent injuries.

I train 4 times a week including a 20-30 minute cardio added on. My main goal is to shred, im currently at 25% BF and my calorie intake is around 17-1800 roughly around 40P 20F and 40C .

I currently take Vit C, D, Zinc and Glucosamine Sulphate. Im a bit of a novice and wanted to know what you would recommend for someone over 40 training trying to lose body fat.

I have been looking at creatine, leucine, but not sure what to take..
@jpermann4 Other than protein powder (whey, soya or casein) a multivitamin, omega fish oils and creatine your current list is good. There are very few supplements that actually have peer reviewed scientific evidence to support them. I've had an interest in supplements for 35 years and a degree in nutrition and I'm still amazed by the claims of so many waste of money gimmicks there are out there
@kimmac23 Thanks, I just want something natural and simple no gimmicks as you mentioned.
I'm getting older and more tired, body hurts all I would like is something that would combat that!
@jpermann4 Protein powder if it helps with your daily intake.

Creatine just because the benefits are well-researched.

Multivitamin and/or fish oil if you think you could do with an increase.

Some people see benefits from ZMA supplements.

Most other stuff has murky scientific backing at best.
@jpermann4 Estoy con los demás.

Aunque como aporte propio, sin saber si tomas algo intra-entreno, sería que añadieras aminoácidos esenciales (MAP`´s), junto a la creatina y lo vas tomando a sorbos durante el entreno.

Después el omega 3 como anti-inflamatorio esta bien, pero por lo que leí hace poco el aporte diario para los efectos beneficiosos, debe de ser superior a los 2gr.

Luego abría que mirar con calma tu sistema de entreno y tu dieta, y fijar un objetivo.

Si quieres ayuda o asesoramiento, tengo formación en entrenamiento personal y nutrición. Escríbeme y te ayudo en lo que pueda.
@jpermann4 Magnesium, D3, B Complex, Creatine, and Tongkat Ali are the ones I take. Here's a good podcast on what Peter Attia takes and recommends -full disclosure he takes a lot! Supplement talk starts at 27min

@joebalog Magnesium citrate, 200mg capsule daily, taken at the same time as creatine. Magnesium sulfate may be even more effective, but the citrate already works for me.