New member
Like the title said just a bit of a celebration.
I was always very active, football as a kid (soccer if you like) then swimming, then water polo for 6 years. In my adult life I did mostly swimming or gym. About 4 years ago I had a shoulder injury, it hurt a lot and I only tried to treat it about a month after because the pain didn´t completely go away, bad move.
During all this years I tried so many different treatments and saw 5 different specialists , I spent so much money on treatments! The injury, apparetly was nothing special swelling of the bursa, that lead to bursitis but all they manage to accomplish was to take the pain away while resting, every time I touched a bit of weight (even carrying groceries) the pain would appear again and if I tried to force it I´d go back to pain even at rest. It was really tough on me mentally, not being able to do anything, I was 26/27 when I had the injury, it was surreal for me that I´d not be able to do any upper body movements for the rest of my life like a senior citizen.
This year around February I slowly tried to use some dumbbells in the end of the cardio just to activate the muscles, like 2Kgs, eventually I progressed a bit without pain and tried to do some machines exercises for chest and back very light as well. After doing that for a month I asked one of the teachers for help and he planned a workout for me to try and gain muscle with very specific exercises to work around my limitations. About one month of that and I was doing those light exercises almost pain free.
In April he changed my exercises to start gradually increasing the weights and here I am today, almost pain free even though I still have to be very aware of proper form and stop if I feel an odd pain. But yeah, today I manage to do 3 sets of 8 pull ups(last set was realistic only 5 and 3 negatives) I know it´s nothing impressive at all but I´m just really happy about being able to train properly again! Hopefully it´s going to last and I can keep evolving, to me it really feels like some sort of miracle.
I was always very active, football as a kid (soccer if you like) then swimming, then water polo for 6 years. In my adult life I did mostly swimming or gym. About 4 years ago I had a shoulder injury, it hurt a lot and I only tried to treat it about a month after because the pain didn´t completely go away, bad move.
During all this years I tried so many different treatments and saw 5 different specialists , I spent so much money on treatments! The injury, apparetly was nothing special swelling of the bursa, that lead to bursitis but all they manage to accomplish was to take the pain away while resting, every time I touched a bit of weight (even carrying groceries) the pain would appear again and if I tried to force it I´d go back to pain even at rest. It was really tough on me mentally, not being able to do anything, I was 26/27 when I had the injury, it was surreal for me that I´d not be able to do any upper body movements for the rest of my life like a senior citizen.
This year around February I slowly tried to use some dumbbells in the end of the cardio just to activate the muscles, like 2Kgs, eventually I progressed a bit without pain and tried to do some machines exercises for chest and back very light as well. After doing that for a month I asked one of the teachers for help and he planned a workout for me to try and gain muscle with very specific exercises to work around my limitations. About one month of that and I was doing those light exercises almost pain free.
In April he changed my exercises to start gradually increasing the weights and here I am today, almost pain free even though I still have to be very aware of proper form and stop if I feel an odd pain. But yeah, today I manage to do 3 sets of 8 pull ups(last set was realistic only 5 and 3 negatives) I know it´s nothing impressive at all but I´m just really happy about being able to train properly again! Hopefully it´s going to last and I can keep evolving, to me it really feels like some sort of miracle.