AI generated this workout routine. Is it any good?


New member
I tasked AI with providing me with a workout plan to use to start weightlifting again after years of focusing solely on running. I run 26 or so miles a week and run M-F, and told it I additionally wanted to go to the gym to lift weights purely to look more muscular, 3 days a week if possible. Is this routine any good, or should I use a different routine? TBH I assume it's crap, but I wanted to see what people more knowledgeable than me thought. If it sucks, alternatives would be appreciated.

Weekly Overview:

Day 1: Upper Body Aesthetic Focus (Arms, Abs), Run

Day 2: Rest, Run

Day 3: Lower Body Strength + Core (Focus on compound movements with some isolation for definition), Run

Day 4: Rest, Run

Day 5: Upper Body Aesthetic Focus (Chest, Shoulders), Run

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Rest


Day 1: Upper Body Aesthetic Focus (Arms, Abs)
  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep pushdowns
  • Hammer curls
  • Tricep dips
  • Cable crunches
  • Hanging Leg Raises

    Reps and Sets: 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps for both arms and abs exercises.
    1-2 Minute Rest Time Between Sets
Day 3: Lower Body Strength + Core
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Calf Raises
  • Leg curls
  • Planks
  • Russian twists
Day 5: Upper Body Aesthetic Focus (Chest, Shoulders)
  • Bench press
  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Lateral raises
  • Front raises
  • Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Shoulder shrugs
@fleplegek I think this is a bit of a disaster lol

No chest work on the first day, so you're literally just hitting chest one time and waiting 7 days before you do it again. You're doing dips after triceps which will heavily fatigue the bit of chest this part does give you by destroying your triceps.

I'd move the dumbbell shoulder press to after bench, or after incline.

Leg day is fine.

I'd also probably move one of the curls to bench day, and add a variation of a press to that day that isn't dips, and do it first. You're over loading on two variations of bicep curls on one day, which is fine to do, but they won't take 7 days to heal, so you're better taking 1 variation to failure or close, then on the next upper day do more biceps. Same or different variation. This means they're fresh and ready to go hard again and you'll get more weekly volume and growth.

So move a curl variation to the other day, and replace it with a variation of a press for chest and do it first.

Same with lateral raises, you can do these mike every other day if you want. Not once a week.

I could probably keep going lol