All the Taint


New member
This is a quick stab at all the links to folks claiming stuff about tainted supplements. There may be more, so feel free to extend the list:

Shawn Ramirez - - Bambi's Antler Taint

Kelli Holm - - I Proved the Taint,DM Me!!

Emily Abbott - - Boyfriend Kissed Me in the Taint

Soft Cell -
Tainted Love

Lauren Shawver - - Taint City Utah

Laura Hosier - - Taint Tasted Great

Andrey Ganin - - In Soviet Russia, Supplements Taint You

Rachel Campbell - - Prescribed by Dr. Taint

Megan Benzik - - All The Drugs, But Also Taint

Brienne of Tarth - - Kick to the Taint
@integra To be fair to Laura Hosier, she didn't claim it was a tainted supplement she claimed that she didn't do her research into the product and what's in it, and as a result failed due to one of the ingredients.
@integra Megan Benzik just went all in with the drugs. Not a taint issue. She's the only honest one on the list. She admitted it and owned it, said she consciously made the decision.
@integra Re: Brienne of Tarth -
- Kick to the Taint owe me a new keyboard and screen....I just spit coffee all over the place when I saw that and clicked on it. Still laughing my ass off
@integra One of the comments suggests it might be C4 that’s tainted. If so, we should expect to see Fraser and Brooke Wells getting banned soon.
@sgtben Yeah I doubt C4 is tainted. Cellucor is a pretty prominent supplemen company used by athletes in basically every sport imaginable. Crossfit's testing is nothing advanced so if people are getting popped for testing positive using C4 then you would hear about baseball & football athletes getting caught as well.