Am I eating the right amount of calories?


New member
I am 5’8” 23f, weigh 186, my tdee seems to be around 2000 calories, I workout for an hour 5 times a week, and I am eating on average 1450-1550 calories a day. I’ve seen some content recently that says this is too low. I’m trying to lose 50 lbs this year and I don’t really get hungry at the end of the day after eating this much. Sometimes it will vary around 1200 or 1700 calories but usually it’s 1450 to 1550.
@xmathiiasx What makes you think that your TDEE is 2000? Where did you get that number? If you exercise 5 hours a week I would expect your TDEE to be higher than that. According to this calculator, you TDEE would be around 1971 calories with "sedentary" selected for the activity level, 2259 calories with "light exercise" selected, and 2546 calories with "moderate exercise" selected. I would guess that your TDEE is probably in the 2259-2546 range. Which means that a reasonable calorie target for you to lose 1 lb per week would be around 1759-2046 calories.
@katie4469 I second this. I am 30F, 180lbs, 5'6" working out for an hour 5x per week and walking my dog 30 mins a day 5-7x a week and my TDEE is 2650. We seem in a similar category so I would expect yours to be higher.

I highly recommend the MacroFactor app for tracking calories in and daily weigh ins as soon as you wake up, after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. After a week, it will give you its estimate of your energy expenditure and it keeps updating weekly. The calories it gives me for fat loss is 2195 or close to it. I eat anywhere from 1400-2200 calories a day (depending how I feel and if I'm hungry or not) and I feel great.

I absolutely love this app and have already lost 10lbs in a month with tracking.

I do feel I should add that I am eating a plant based whole food diet as well which also really helps fat loss. So I'm eating essentially no processed foods, oils, or sodium. My meals are full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, other nuts and seeds for healthy fats (and avocado), etc.
@mskris maybe i’m underestimating then! I love wfpb meals but I can’t commit fully because when I do I always go overboard and restrict way too much
@xmathiiasx That's why I love tracking calories because it lets me see if I'm eating enough! I also use the DailyDozen app to help track the variety of WFPB foods I'm eating so I don't lose energy. It's definitely easy to undereat on WFPB because you can feel more full with higher volume, nutritious foods that have fewer calories.
@xmathiiasx (I am not a medical professional, this is just my advice based on my personal experience/annecdotes and internet research.)

If your TDEE is 2000 calories 1450-1550 is right at the sweet spot of a 500 calorie deficit which is generally considered safe if you’re not already underweight. Not getting hungry is also a good sign, although everyone’s appetites/bodies work a lil different than everyone else’s. I would avoid the lower end of your varying calorie intake, as if it becomes a pattern that’s too low for most people. What’s most important is that you’re eating good and you feel good 😊
@xmathiiasx If you are losing weight slowly, youre eating the right amount. If youre losing weight fast, eat a little more. If youre not losing weight, eat less
@ducki This is a good rule of thumb and where I am now. I used to track closely, but once I got into a routine, when I’m good, I’m good, and when I’m losing too fast, peanut butter.
@xmathiiasx Sounds pretty good! Here’s the tdee calculator my friends & I like most:

I put your stats in. Hv a look but I would only use it for basic info.

When trying to lose bodyfat. I like to put in the goal weight I’m trying to get to them use that as the guideline for my current kcal to use (if that makes sense)

Also since you are trying to lose them ‘assume. MODERATE EXERCISE (based on your post) & ~ 20% bf as defaults imo. That shld give better picture. It’s just a rough picture but I find it helpful.)

Cheers & gl 🖖
@xmathiiasx Yes! But remember this tdee site is for bodybuilding.

What I suggest is put your goal weight of 136 lbs in, choose MODERATE EXERCISE & 20% bodyfat as default. Then go to the MACRO TAB > CUTTING > MAINTENANCE profile

Those are the rough macros I personally feel work best since I eat 1g/lbs protein per ideal bodyweight.

So here are your stats at your target weight of 136 lbs Moderate Exercise & 20% BF (per your OP):

your maintenace calories for your Target weight of 136 lbs w moderate exercise is ~ 2226 kcal


I think you would do well for faster loss at the these macros:

1726 kcal/day

129g protein

67g fat

151g carb

Can always adjust, but these look good, imo.

@xmathiiasx It’s just a suggestion ofc, but my friends & I are constantly helping eachother on this stuff

I’m T2D, lost 60 lbs this yr & normalized my A1c so happy to help others!


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