Don’t feel guilty for eating over the holidays!

@zastari Needed to hear this after indulging in chocolate covered peppermint pretzels. They were soooo good. However, it's hard to let my walls down and just ... enjoy. So, thank you for the caring reminder.🙏
@zastari Weirdly enough this is my first Christmas in many years I just ENJOYED myself for two days. I ate whatever I wanted with family and didn’t/don’t regret it. Also I’m back to my usual way of eating/IF today with no feeling of dread either. I guess this means I’m maturing. Heck I think I had 4 pieces of red velvet cake and tons of chocolate, and I damn enjoyed them, and don’t feel like I missed out either. Now it’s like I feel happy to return to my cleaner way of eating too!
@forwhatitsworth Not sure why this is downvoted. I love OPs post and message but if someone feels (mentally and physically) best by sticking to nutrition and exercise plans that’s just as good as someone allowing themselves to enjoy the holidays with loved ones by indulging without feeling guilty. Either choice is fine and doing what works best and feels best for you is human.
@zastari Thank you for this post. I was feeling bad looking at my bloated belly but once I get back it’s time to eat healthy and go back to the gym and honestly I’m looking forward to it!!

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