Don’t feel guilty for eating over the holidays!

@ruwyma Yes!! Any time I go home for the holidays my parents always push to eat more and there’s just more food around. So at least this is the one time of year where I ignore the scale and go back to my routine when I leave!
@zastari It's great reading how everyone is enjoying their holiday treats! I don't have any regrets. I'm eating more "fun" foods but not stuffing myself, and I'm timing carby treats right before workouts and hitting PRs, but not stressing about being perfect at it.
@zastari I’ve been enjoying my holiday treats a little too much… I weighed myself a few days ago for the first time time in a few weeks and I’m up almost 5 pounds than what I normally weigh pre holidays which makes me the heaviest I’ve been in a while 🫠I’ve been working out consistently but it’s just the trash food I’ve been eating. It sucks and I know once the holidays are over it will be easier but I used these holidays as an excuse to eat a sweet treat every night and it’s getting to me.

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