am i fat F 5'4 63kgs


New member
Lowest weight ko kasi ay 56. I felt so small. Then I gained weight thru strength training and eating a lot. I felt sexier kasi naging perkier yung butt ko. Pero Since 2021, naglalaro sa 65-63kgs weight ko. Sometimes I workout 3x a week. Then, this holiday I had one month long hiatus and eating a lot rin. Im worried if im too fat na. Goal weight ko sana ay 59-60. Ang laki narin kasi ng bilbil ko pero yung butt ko lumalaki naman. Feeling ko kasi ang taba taba ko dahil sa bilbil ko, pati dito sa sides ng tiyan ko. Wala na yung contoured stomach ko. (LOL 🤣)

Im also considering wearing wwaist trainer. Is wearing waist trainer worth it po ba? And can u recommend a good waist trainer?
@tinychritsian99 Hindi lang naman weight ang basihan, you can use measurements, bf % and even fit ng clothes, if di ka satisfied/comfortable sa belly fats, maybe add cardio or n extra session ng workout? Pero if you are comfortable and happy with it then continue doing what you are doing right now
@tinychritsian99 Waist trainers don't help other than additional water loss. You can't target fat loss.

Can't really tell much whether your weight is composed of fat or muscle. Most people with muscular physique with low bodyfat% are still considered fat in the BMI.

But if you are really bothered by your belly fat, maybe cut for a month then maybe bulk or maintain based on your preference after. Good luck!
@tinychritsian99 All body shapes are beautiful, OP :)

But to answer your question, maybe take a for a BF% measurement and see if you're within range for a healthy hormonal level. No point relying on just purely weight :)
@nicokk Kapatid, three things:

1) if you don't find fat people beautiful, that's your opinion, and I respect that. But I hardly think you should tell people to stop with their own opinions on what beauty is. Ika nga, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yeah? Mutual respect lang. In my opinion, having an unhealthy blood test result is not beautiful.

2) obesity is simply a function of weight vs height. An overly-muscled person, with a very dense muscle and bone structure, with very normal blood tests can be obese. That's how ABSURD the obesity measurement is.

3) obesity measurements are built around the caucasian body type. Pinoys, being shorter, have a greater tendency to be measured as obese.
@sheilaa Overweight, obesity is prone to a lot of diseases. Don't fool yourself. If that's beautiful then let's all eat junk foods. What's next, being sick is beautiful? Get the hell outta here. We want people to avoid getting sick so let's not tolerate obesity.
@nicokk Bro, maybe try to read again :)

And again, understand the definition of obesity and why it's not an accurate measurement of someone's bill of health :)
@nicokk Lol. I have and I'm echoing my doctorSSSS' sentiments: obesity is an general measurement and NOT a measurement of a person's bill of health.

Like I said, man, would be good for you to try to read again. And then we can discuss when your testosterone levels have died down a little and you're in a more civilized mood to get into a more intelligent discourse :)
@nicokk Well doctors are my source too. And every doctor I talk to specifically say that BMI will not automatically tell you what your blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, etc, level is. That's what the tests are for.

Being as how we're in the phitness sub, you might be familiar with Anita Albrecht, a female body builder who was told to she was obese. This was waaaay back in 2014. So the doctors I've seen have updated their knowledge about obesity.

But hey, let's park it at that. We can have a completely different discussion about obesity in a different thread

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