An easy way to build volume


New member
So I’ve been doing a pretty intuitive rep/set scheme as a way to build up my total volume of kB swings over time. I’m currently doing a pretty basic upper/lower split 3x per week and doing in swings on all my off days. I have been increasing my volume with just basic math with a goal of increasing total volume around 5-10% per week.
  • 7x8=56
  • 6x10=60
  • 5x13=65
  • 7X10=70
  • 9x8=72
  • 7x11=77
  • 8x10=80
Started out doing 7 sets of 8 reps on tues, thurs and sat. Each week I’m slowly building volume. Right now I’m at 7 sets of 12 equals 84 reps. I figure somewhere around 150-200 swings 4 days a week should be plenty of cardio in addition to my usual weight lifting. 15 sets of 12 is 180 reps, which with 28 kg bell seems like plenty. At that point, I might buy a bigger bell or switch to snatches.

To keep track of my sets, I have a coin jar. I take out coins to represent each set, and each set I put a coin back in the jar. Right now total workout is like 6 minutes. I’d like to top out my kB workouts around 15 minutes.
@rpd26 I do something similar to this but I cap the volume for my kettlebell complexes at 8 sets of 5 reps each exercise, usually 3 or 4 exercises. I use them for work capacity/cardio too so I dont always focus on volume. If I'm beat up on volume or higher reps I'll try a previous volume bench mark but try to complete the sets in a shorter period, aka pounds per minute. Usually I have a running clock of 20 minutes tops for this portion of my workout, with some strength work or hypertrophy work before/after depending where I'm at in my cycles.