One Arm Chin Up Tutorial by Guinness World Record Holder - Strict Full R.O.M Technique - Extreme & Easy!

@michaelphemo To all the people complaining about this video showing nothing... turn on annotations.

I've been attempting to self teach OAP for some time now. At least now I have some confidence that I have been going in the right direction. Keep it up, Marcus!
@michaelphemo I gotta get a wife for those gains.
I did suscribe to you and I checked out many of your videos. They are all very fun and informative to watch. I think you are pretty tall too (6'1) which is very motivating for someone who thought it could only be done by smaller guys. I will get to work. Right now at 6'3 I can do 6 good explosive chin ups. Do you grip the bar differently because with a normal grip I got so many calluses I had to buy gloves to be confortable again.
@maggee Heu unp! Grip the bar the same way - with thumb OVER fingers - but just really work on developing that grip strength - and sure - gloves are OK - but try not to rely on them too much - use them on/off... and you can just trim the top soft the calluses with nail scissors or clippers - RELIEF!!! Yeh I'm 6'1" - so you will be rocking it man !
@smokingjoepot Hi UG! Official Guinness - WR -5m Rope Climb & Weighted Chin Ups (40lbs) - and a few 'unofficial' WR - like weighted rope climb, inverted rope climb, supinated muscle ups etc

This is the rope WR (still held)- it was about 5 years ago - and I can beat it by far now...

@michaelphemo How do you feel about gtg for OAC, or OAP?

I have been trying to do a finger assisted pull-up on each arm every time I use the bathroom at work. Only on week 3 but I feel I have more strength/control at the top and bottom.
@yuliza HI indo! Great question and I've thought about it a lot - I'm not 100% sure about GTG for OAC/P - as I think OAC/P training works best when you dedicate 100% to it with full strength & energy & timing - not just a few quick cold reps - like, it won't hurt, but I don't think GTG really, strategically helps OAC/P; if that makes sense....
@michaelphemo I still a day each week "heavy". Higher reps of 1 finger assisted and lock outs where I can, partial negatives where I can't. And a 'light' where I do rope climbs and chin ups (explosive up super +slow negatives).

I feel like my strength is getting better but struggle with form and gtg trying really hard to concentrate would help.
@yuliza OK - One heavy day a week is good - with higher 1 finger reps. Maybe try weighted rope climb- just 2-3kg - can be very good for OAC.... but sure - with that program - your strength is surely growing!
@michaelphemo Awesome - how much added weight do you think we should be able to do chinups with before we can start thinking about OAC? In the video you can easily do them with 45-50kg extra (the girls).
Keept it up Marcus!
@lotusflower Hi Myso - added weight - a few good string explosive reps with 15-20kg should be plenty! But graduate to 15kg VEEERRYY slowly - no faster than 1/2kg per month! back off if pain! Good stuff man!