One Arm Chin Up Tutorial by Guinness World Record Holder - Strict Full R.O.M Technique - Extreme & Easy!

@lotusflower OK - 30lbs is excellent. Maybe try some variations with 30lbs - two finger assist - one hand on towel grip etc- wrist grab, wrist grab lock-offs, wrist grab negs etc Smokin'!
@michaelphemo nice tutorial,I have a question: do you guys who progress through this go to next step once you can do 15 reps? I can do only 15 strict pull ups chin over bar but I can do 1 rep with 55+% weight added too.. unfortunately I couldnt train chin ups

now I have access to real bar so I have tried some of these, I could do 5x4 explosive chin ups to stomach/waist but I have failed with step where I have to grab my forearm, could do 5 reps right arm but only 2 for left, my wrist is small but forearm is bigger and it was slippery

so I am not ready till I work up to 15 waist chin ups? :/
@dawn16 OK -Continue to work on your stronger arm - as it will help your other arms progress too. Everyone is different - so don't worry too much about exactly 15 waist chin ups - yo can start training other advanced elements as well to prepare your body for the coming intensity!

I hope that makes sense - let me know if you need more info -

Also - put some chalk on your arm/wrist to improve grip!
@michaelphemo thanks for reply, do you think that doing maybe more sets for total more reps than high reps sets would work too? I give everything to explosive reps and its hard to do them more but they are higher, also I cant do L-Sit right now cause of hip flexor problems so maybe thats why I cant progress to those harder variations
@dawn16 ues - do high reps - but, when can't do more 'high', also do many regular reps too - it all helps! INstaed of L-sit - just try knees-bent-at-right -angle pull/chin ups...!
  • HI Dark- What? I identified the required OAC training 'different pull ups" - do them, then you will do OAC, I can't do it for you!
  • Come on give the exercises a shot (if you want OAC). (That's another 'bunch of encouraging words' - and what many people need to get them going to great heights!)
  • Encouraging words + actually do prescribed exercises = SUCCESS!
This video is an adjunct / extension/visual aid to this written, very in-depth OAC tutorial - ?