"Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"


New member

Last weekend, another athlete who is currently serving a multi-year drug-related suspension from CrossFit competed in a non-licensed competition and earned $2,000 in prize money. Fanny Solis, who is nearing the end (June 2022) of her four-year suspension for stanozolol, an anabolic agent, took second in the M/F elite team competition at the Crash Crucible in Spartanburg, SC. Once again, the organizer said he was unaware that one of the registered athletes was currently banned.

Big up to her to at least use Stanozolol! :D

A nice twist to this whole saga:

According to the organizer James Howell, “the athlete did not register for Crucible under the same name that they went by when their failed drug test occurred.”



There's no solution to this whole mess!
@leggomymeggo He still only got 2nd that year to Phil Heath. He’s won back to back and I wouldn’t be shocked if he kept this cycle up. He’s been taking 40x the average males test for several year lmao.
Part of me wishes that athletes would just come clean about what they take like in bodybuilding

What contest-winning bodybuilding pros are being transparent about their stacks? It's just as hush hush as any other sport with PED use.

Hell even in the link you shared was speculation posted by someone who isn't the person in question.

I cannot totally verify this but this is what has been going around. This is believed to be Big Ramy's steroid cycle!

While I agree that people should be more transparent about their PED use, I suggest you look further into the links you post. Confusing hearsay for fact is just as bad (if not worse).
@rejected Rich Piana was pretty open about what he took. This was after he was done competing. Don't be salty. The attitude towards gear in the bodybuilding community is MUCH more open than the Crossfit community. Same with powerlifting.