"Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

@leggomymeggo probably doesn't increase aerobic capacity

Winny is a DHT based steroid. Basically the step after testosterone breaks down in the body.

build more muscle, recover better though a higher RBC, etc
@grace4nan Local comps aren’t going to vet people who pay to participate nor are they going to drug test. Sure, seems simple to check the names, but I’ll bet they were pretty busy and maybe they don’t even care. They aren’t under any obligation to enforce CrossFit HQs bans. Prepare for a lot more of these.
@grace4nan It’s so funny to me that these athletes act all high and mighty on social media, then get caught taking PEDs and go to small comps while juiced and take an easy win and prize money. Such a joke
@grace4nan I wrote about this issue a few years ago (when there were far less CF-sanctioned comeptitions), but until there is a centralized governing body sanctioning every CF competition, and handling PED testing, CF bans can't really do much outside of their own governed competitions.

IMO CFHQ should be running a schedule like Tennis or golf with top-tier comps throughout the year. Have the Open and the CF games either cap off the calendar or start it. Gain control of the governance at the pro level and create a system where bans actually hurt athletes.
@jeannieg That's way too much work for HQ. lol

Why would you do anything like this when you can just collect the yearly fee, collect another fee for those who want to hold licensed events and then just blame the unlicensed for having their own rules?
@grace4nan Here's the athlete's response to the Crucible incident. She literally just put this out there:
Personally I think if you're banned from the Games for doping that you should also be banned from local. I know neither local athlete and Games athlete are on the same level playing field but this way you show as a local affiliate that you want a clean competition.

The ChalkUp even says ultimately it's up to the local event host if they'll allow it. To me it shows that the host(who was a master Games athlete this year) wanted this event, which was bringing in Games level athletes, to hold it to a higher level.

So now the question is how did she still compete and win 2nd place? And why did she after being told no that she went ahead any way and registered? Now the event host said that it was on him for not checking more but still this athlete should've not been there.